Mike's P.O.V

A doctor comes into the waiting room. She didn't make eye contact with any of us due to reading her clipboard. I felt like I knew her. "Ahh, yes Carter Schmidt would-" She looks at us and stops talking. I growl, it was Doll. "-Uh... He will live. We gave him a shot so he can get the cloudiness out of his eyes, and a pill to help swell down his throat." The bitch states. I look over to Jeremy who didn't see who it was, but I can tell he knew who it was.

"So... Can you say is it was an allergic reaction, or  is it a medical condition?" I ask.

"From what I see it can be an allergic reaction to nuts." Doll states. 'Nuts? Oh... I think he had peanut butter. Whelp he can't eat that now.'

"Can I see, Carter?" Jeremy asks looking up to the lady. She nods.

"Follow me." Jeremy stands up and walks towards Doll, "And your boyfriend, husband, whatever that is can come." I wanted to punch this lady in the face, but I knew I couldn't in here. I stand up and follow the bicth as well. "He's in here." She opens the closed door and lets us in, she doesn't  follow us in. The door is closed behind me.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Carter asks, his voice was a little raspy. My heart shattered into pieces when I saw he was hooked up on machines and wires. Jeremy sits next to him on a chair.

"Are you okay?" My husband asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, that doctor gave me a shot and a pill. She's nice."

"Yeah, right." I whisper to myself.



"When am I going to leave this place?"

"Whenever the doctor gives us the okay."


Bruce's P.O.V

Doll came back into the waiting room. "So I see they have a kid, is it adopted?"

"Why the fuck would you want to know?" I growled.

"Hey you don't have to be so rude about it." She smirks, I knew she was going to do something. "I just, you know wanted to know." Her hand trails down my chest.

"Hey!" My boyfriend yelled. "Back off!"

"And who are you, you look like an ugly ass donkey." She laughed at what she said. Oh this girl is going to get it. I push her away.

"Call him that again, and I'll end you right now." I growl.

"Dam, don't get your dick in a knot. But it's true, don't you agree?"

"Why would I call him that? He's my boyfriend."

"Aww. That's a shame that you have a donkey face as your lover." She says in a little girl tone. Brice gets up and stomps towards her. "Eww, he's even more uglier close up."

"Oh? You want this donkey face to kick your ass? That sounds fine to me." He raises his fist, but I stop him before the blow.

"Just leave her. She's worth nothing."

"What do you mean I'm worth nothing? I'm one of the most famous doctors ever."

"Yeah, a snotty nosed bitch doctor. Can you just go back to your job?" I state sternly.

"Hmm... Sorry I can't I'm done working for today."

"WELL THEN LEAVE!" Brice yells making other doctors and nurses look at him.

"I just wanted to see my man, but it looks like he's dating a monster."

"Just fucking leave already." I raised my voice while saying the sentence.

"Tsk. Tsk. Don't raise your voices on me. So now I'm guessing that you aren't trying to kill your son anymore?"


"Why? It was fun doing it though. Come on, lets team up again, and your ugly boyfriend can join as well."

"No. I'm not bad anymore so please leave us alone."

"Once a villain, always a villain."

"Well that doesn't go for us, bitch." My lover growls.

"Stay out of this donkey face."

"What makes you think that I'm not going to stay out of it?"

"Cause I said to stay out of it."

"Okay. I'll stay out of it, but if I see you do something to Bruce I'll will cut you." His voice sounding demonic. He stomps off to the restroom.

"Okay, now that we are alone I can do this." She starts to kiss me, she sits on my lap and rocks her hips in a sexual way. I push her off, I wipe my mouth.

"What the fuck, whore?"

"Don't you love me?"

"No!" I yell and spit at her face. She starts to cry. "Don't give me that bullshit, Doll." Brice comes out of the bathroom enraged.

"Can you please leave?" He said trying not to yell. She ends up running out of the room sobbing her eyes out. I take a deep breath.

"Finally that bitch is gone, but I know she's be back. All the bad people come back."

"Yep, they come back the same or changed."

"Yep." I hold  Brice's hand and kiss his cheek. "I'll always love you, and no one else."

"I always love you too." He rest his head on my shoulder.

One Day Later + Jeremy's P.O.V

Doll said that it was okay to take our son back home, despite it being all stormy yesterday, it was now all sunny out. Carter was back to his happy self and playing with Peppercorn. I guess we got lucky, at least this time around.


I may or may have not cried writing the Carter part. And yes Doll is back, hope you enjoy having her back.

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