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Jeremy sat on a swing, his feet on the sand, he looked out towards the beach. He looked at Mike who was sitting on another swing next to him. The blue eyed male looked at the green eyed male and smiled brightly, which Jeremy gladly returned.

"Mike?" Jeremy asked as he looked back out at the beach.

'Yeah, Jer?"

"When we first met, How do you think.... I mean, what did you think of me?"

"Well apart from being attacked by Freddy, I thought you were going to be a weakling and weren't going to listen and end up dying like the rest." Mike explained, he looked at Jeremy and chuckled. "When I got to know you, you were an amazing person." The taller male leant over and kissed his lovers cheek.

"I thought you were going to be a complete dick bag." Jeremy giggled causing Mike to playfully punch the green eyed males arm.

"I was right about you being a dork though" Mike looked at the beach. "A very cute dork in fact." He ruffled Jeremy's hair making the shorter male blush.

After a while the two males decided to walk along the beach. Their hands intertwined with each others, smiles on both of their faces. The water go up to their feet once in a while. Jeremy had a few shells in his free arm.

"It's so peaceful here, huh, Mike?" Jeremy asked as the warm water covered their feet.

"Yeah, it is." Mike looked around taking in the view, he drew a deep breath. "Your birthday is tomorrow."

"Yep, I'm turning old." The green eyed male chuckled.

"No, forty isn't that old. I'm forty-three, and I don't think that I'm that old." Mike said.

"That's only three years away from now... On second thought, I'm not that old." Jeremy stated as the blue eyed male kissed the green eyed males cheek.

"Sounds like you are calling me old." The blue eyed male said.

"No, I'm not." Jeremy giggled. Mike rolled his eyes and smiled.


"Mike, you are not old!"

"Okay, okay, you don't have be so feisty someone is on their period." Mike snickered.

"I take back what I said, you are a dick bag." Jeremy retorted.

"You now you like my dick." Mike smirked.

"W-what?! Mike!" The green eyed male stopped holding the others hand and pushed him. Mike pretended to fall.

"Come on, baby. You know  you like it, you know you like my package I give you. I know you like my baby making stick." Mike laughed this caused Jeremy to blush fifty shades of red.

"Mikey-chan, stop making meh blush." Jeremy wined.

"But you look so adorkable!" Mike ruffled his lovers hair, Jeremy moved his hand.

"Stop!" Jeremy yelled. Mike flinched.

"Okay, okay, fine..." The taller male said as he looked at the sand they were walking on. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Jeremy said as he grabbed Mike's hand again. He smiled warmly.


"Mike, it's fine, really."

"Okay, Jerbear."

"There's the, Mikey I know." Jeremy giggled causing Mike to smile. "And there is that handsome smile I love so much!" The short male dropped the shells and used that hand to poke the taller male cheek. "I love you so much, Mike."

~Jeremike~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant