Chapter 11

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Jeremy's P.O.V
Mike was carrying me to his place, I wanted to walk but I ended up falling. I was snuggled into his chest the whole time, I started to drift off to sleep.
I was in a dark forest, I felt different. I look down to see my legs look like a goat, and my feet as hooves.'Was I a satyr?' I asked myself. I stomped at the ground and it made a sound like a horse walking. (A/N I had a brain fart). I looked around the dark forest, the trees were tall, I saw glowing eyes in the distance.'What the hell are those eyes!?' I think panicking. The pair of eyes got closer, they were white soulless eyes. It came out from a bush and was half human and half snake. It was a naga. (No Jeremy it's a little puppy).
"Why hello there... What are you doing here alone?" It aksed. I gulped it was way taller than me.
"U-uh." I was lost for words. The naga came closer to me, I backed away.
"Aww... Poor little satyr, are you scared?" It said while hissing."Well since you are lost and don't know were to go... I guess no one would care if I ate you." The naga wrapped it's tail around me tightly, I let out a small whimper.
"L-let me g-go, Y-YOU UGLY T-THING!" I yelled. I bit it's tail, he yelped in surprise and let go of me. I started running as fast and I could. Things started to get darker and darker...'Jeremy! Jeremy!'
End of dream.
I shot up on Mike's couch."W-what happened?" I asked.
"Well you passed out in my arms, and started to trash around so I walked faster; when I brought you here and set you on the couch you started to yell. I was calling your name and then you woke up. What were you dreaming about anyways?" Mike asked with a little worry in his eyes. I told him about me being a satyr and almost died from a naga."Oh... Okay, so how's the wounds?"
"They hurt a lot." I told him, he walked off and came back with a pill and first aid kit.
"Take this pill for the pain, and you have to take your shirt off so I can see the wounds." I stated. I blush when he said I have to take off my shirt.
Mike's P.O.V
Jeremy starts to take off his shirt showing old and new scars on his sides, chest, stomach, and arms.'Wait what!?' I look at his arms, he noticed me looking at them and starts to hide them with is shirt. I stop him and grab his arm."Why?" I ask him.
"I-I-" He started crying I hugged him."I t-thought no one *sniffs* l-liked me." He hugs me tighter."I-I thought I-I was *sniffs* usel-less. I-I tought-" He cries harder.
"Shh... That's all in the past... I love you with all my heart, you are not useless, you are my one and only, I would die if you weren't life was a complete wreck before you came." I say trying to comfort him.
"Y-you mean that?" He asks, I break the hug and wipe the tears off Jeremy's face.
"I mean every word Jer." I smile and he smiles back."Now lets patch up those wounds." I grab the bandages, peroxide, and a rag. I start to clean off the dry blood from his chest and by his mouth, I grab the bandages and wrap them around Jeremy's chest and sides."We have no work today." I tell him.
"O-okay." He says in a cheer full voice.
Time skip + Jeremy's P.O.V
Me and Mike were sitting on the couch watching a movie on netfix. I got to choose, I chose How to Train Your Dragon. (A/N this one of my favorite movies). I was sitting a little far from Mike, Mike noticed that I was shivering a bit and brought a blanket. He wrapped it around both of us, I cuddle on his chest. I look up at his blue eyes while he stares at mine. He then cups my cheeks and kisses me I kiss right back. He licks my bottom lips asking for a entrance but I decline. He takes one of his hands and pinches my booty. (I laughed when I wrote that, Mike is coming for that booty). I gasp and he takes that change to slip his tongue in my mouth. I moan against his lips while he is exploring my mouth.
Mike's P.O.V
Jeremy moans making me more turned on. I explore his mouth swirling my tongue around his. We parted for air a string of saliva connects our tongues, Jeremy chops the saliva with his fimger. I then throw the blanket off of us and pin him on the couch and kiss him with as much passion as I can. Jeremy seemed taken back from this but soon started to kiss back his. Things started to get heated up after a few more seconds.
Knock knock
I part from the make out session, Jeremy looking like a tomato. I groan and walk towards the door, I open the door a little bit and saw...
Who can guess what or who was at the door?

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