Chapter 34

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Yesh, no more writers block. This chapter contains cursing and a little abuse.

No P.O.V

It's been a while since both Mike and Jeremy, has been out of the hospital. Mike was flooded by questions, his answer was a simple shrug, or 'I don't know'. The bullet that was lodged in his leg was removed, the doctors didn't remove his leg since the bullet moved. Jeremy was a little depressed, but overall he was his little happy self. He was happy that they were out of the dreadful hospital, it smelled of alcohol and doctors would come in and do check-up's on him, he didn't like when they checked his down stairs area.

They were now back at home, same ol' stuff, Peppercorn jumping around places, cuddles, and more lovey dovey stuff that couples do. Jeremy was cooking dinner as usual, Mike just laying on the couch waiting for the food, Peppercorn will go back a forward. Mike was getting bored, he stood up from the couch, heading to the kitchen. The kitchen smelled like an Italian restaurant, Jeremy heard Mike's feet patting his way.

"Jer, I'm bored... Lets do something fun." The older male wraps his arms around the smaller figure. He leans in, the smaller male could feel the hot breath against his neck.

"Mike, I'm trying to finish cooking." Jeremy protests, shaking Mike off.

"Save that for later." Mike turns off the stove. Jeremy getting annoyed.

"Mike, stop it. We just got out from the hospital." Jeremy yelped as Mike pushed him away from the stove and pinned him against the wall. As a reflex, Jeremy, knees Mike's stomach. Mike clutches his stomach backing up from Jeremy.

"Mike... I'm sorr-"

"Save it." The older one harshly cuts the other male off."Fucker." Mike mumbles under in breath loud enough for Jeremy to hear. The younger one looks down for a second then looks up. Mike now clutching his head.

"Mike... Are you okay?" A deep chuckle was heard coming from the older male.

Jeremy's P.O.V

My eyes widen, one of Mike's eye was pure black with a piercing white dot in the middle. I wanted to back away but the wall was blocking my way, I look to my right there was an opening. I quickly turn that way, I started to run but something grabbed my shirt making me choke.

"You pathetic piece of worthless shit, you think you can run away from me? Hehe... Wrong!" Mike's voice was deeper. I see Peppercorn enter the kitchen, he started to growl at Mike. I yelp as Mike pulls harshly at my hair, tears forming in my eyes.

"M-Mike, stop... This isn't you..." I beg. Peppercorn started to run towards Mike, he lunged at him biting his arm that was yanking my hair.

"Ow! Let go you stupid dog!" Mike removes his hand from my hair, he uses his other hand to hit Peppercorn on the head. I hear Peppercorn yelp, he lets go of Mike's arm. Mike a swift kick to Peppercorn's side, a loud yelp of pain is heard around the house.

"Mike... Stop it!" I plead. He looks at me, a shiver goes down my spine.

"Shut the fuck up... You think that I actually love someone as worthless as you? I think you should move in with your dad, so he can fucking teach you a lesson. He was right, everyone was right, you a worthless son of a bicth that can't do anything right. I don't care if you kill yourself." The last sentence made me break, I felt like glass that got smashed into pieces. I didn't care if I was crying, I fell to the ground."Get up!" I didn't listen. Mike pulled my hair again, he forcefully pulled me up.

I had given up, I didn't care what he did to me. A stream of tears running down my face. I felt pain surge through me as Mike kicks my side hard.

Mike's P.O.V

Everything was dark, I couldn't see anything, but I could hear. I heard all the things that 'I' said,'Jeremy, please don't listen to what 'I'm' saying.' I think. There was a tiny light that got closer to me, when it was in front of me I could see all the things I've done.

Jeremy's P.O.V

Mike got distracted I got out from his grip. I ran to the kitchen door, before I opened it I heard a yell of pain. I turn around and see Mike holding his head again, I didn't go to him, I didn't trust him. I see the black in his eyes going back to his blue, he looks at me.

"Jer, I can ex-" I didn't hear anything else, I bolted to the front door. I heard feet following me, I reached for the door handle and turned it. I felt a hand grab my arm, Mike turned me. I just slapped him. He let go of me, I then took off running, not looking back.

I stopped running, I didn't know how long I was running. I start to walk to a hotel that was up the street.

Time skip to Jeremy's hotel room
(Waring Self harm and suicide thoughts)

I was curled up in a ball crying my eyes out. I slowly get up, my body shaking badly. I walk into the bathroom, I reach into my pocket and take out a pocket knife. I look at my arm, old scars all over. I take the knife out and place it on my skin, I press down and watch the red liquid trickle down my arm. One for being worthless, another for being a fuck up, two for ever thinking that someone loved me, and three for everything else. I had six cuts, blood pouring out. I did one more just because, I cut this one deep into my wrist, blood pouring out rapidly. I didn't care if I passed out.

"I'm going to end it all..." I whisper to myself.

Mike's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch, my face buried into my hands. Peppercorn looked terrified of me."What the hell did I do? Why did I do that?" I ask myself. Tears were streaming down my face.'I have to find Jeremy.'

I walk out of the house and started to run. I called and messaged Jeremy, no reply. I came across a hotel I stopped it front of it, I felt like he was in here. I shrugged and walked in, I take a look at the sign in book, Jeremy was listed on there. I give a shaky sigh, I walk to the elevator and press floor 2.

Time skip to Jeremy's room

I knock on the room that Jeremy was in. I heard shuffling coming from the small hotel room. I waited but the door didn't open.

"Jeremy, please let me in... I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know what got into me... I didn't mean all the things I said back there... I know you may not believe me, but I'm really sorry..." I started to cry."Please..."

I heard the door unlock, Jeremy opened it just a crack, he looked so broken."I... I..." Jeremy opens the door more, my eyes widen, blood was running down Jeremy's arm."Mike... I... I... Love..." Jeremy coughs."You... No mater what." Jeremy collapsed on the floor. I quickly run up to him and pick him up bridal style. I bring him to the hotel bed, I place him down. I then walk to the door and close it.

I take a deep breath and fall to the ground crying,"I was the cause of this... I hate myself... I can be so stupid..." I mumble to myself.

Okay, I'm going to ask a few questions.

How is this story going?

Do I need improvement?

What will you do if you met me?

And, how is life going? Mine, is meh, I'm depressed some days and happy the other days.

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