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{ Prologue }

[ 3rd Person POV ]


"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby!"

"Today we went to a location you guys wanted us to go to!"

"And we brought some of our friends! Some of them haven't been on the channel for quite a while..."

Sam and Colby started the intro excited, introducing the six friends they decided to bring to this haunted location. Two of their friends, Jake and Corey were really stoked to be back on the channel.

"Trap boys back together!" Jake yelled as he wrapped an arm around Corey and rougly pulled him closer, almost causing him to trip over Jake's foot. Both of them laughed and the other four jumped in frame, waving and smiling at the camera.

"As you can see we are here at Csínytevő Castle, one of the most haunted castles in the world, located far away in the woods on a steep cliff next to the Ikhōr River." Colby stated as he pointed his finger and moved the camera towards the ancient castle behind him.

"Strangely enough all the stories we found on the internet are different from eachother, they only have one thing in common..." Sam began.

"The giant ancient old tree, only a mile away from the castle, deep into the Exóthyra Woods. Rumor has it that this tree retains supernatural powers in its roots which reach more than 160feet deep into the ground. This giant tree is therefor called "The Tree Of Hell", because people believe that the roots of the tree reach all the way down to hell, making this a portal for spirits as well." Colby finished.

"Sounds, pretty safe to me guys, what do you think Johnnie?" Jake shrugged, first looking in the canera and then turning to Johnnie.

"Yeah, not bad at all..." Johnnie mumbled.

"Remind me to not get close to that tree. I don't want to get sucked into a portal." Corey uttered.

"Bet you don't mind getting sucked by something else!"

"Haha Jake, very funny!" Corey said sarcastically before one of the other guys stepped into frame.

"Almost all of the pictures and videos made in this area have been either removed or corrupted. There are only a view drone shots that have full HD quality video's from this place" Nate stated as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed the others the pictures he took, they were very distorted.

"Does this mean the video will also look like this?" Seth asked while studing the picture.

"I am afraid it's already starting..." Sam muttered as he noticed that the screen on the camera started flickering and getting pixelated.

"Let me see!" Colby uttered and walked up to Sam just like Josh and Nate.

"Dude the camera is going crazy!" Josh shouted right before the camera shut off.

"And it's dead..." Colby sighed, pressing the on button a view times which didn't work.

"What now?" Sam asked Colby. "We don't have another camera with us.."

"We could try to capture some footage on our phones?" Nate suggested, opening the back camera of his phone to record.

"Wouldn't that get corrupted as well?" Johnnie asked, Nate shrugged.

"If we don't try we have nothing."

"Nate's right, let's all try and record at the same time. There is no way they can mess with all of our phones!" Colby said and everone did what he told them to do.

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