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"Look guys." I admit, "I learnt that illusions are realistic so much so that you can feel it."

Aaravos looks lost in thought, "She's right."

"The moon's up. We got 3, sorry 4 able-bodied moon powered elves." I continue.

"Right." Runaan mumbles.

"Bound the logs together, then,"Callum states, "We'll make a 'boat'."

We then got to work, Aaravos' magic weaved the vines to ensure the fact was safe.


"Rayla! C'mon." I practically beg the girl.

The stubborn elf refused. Her aquaphobia getting the best of her. I sigh, got up and grabbed a spare piece of wood.


I smirk then let out a tried sigh, "You don't even want to know know long I wanted to do that."

Runaan raised an eyebrow as I dragged an unconscious Rayla on board.

I shudder under his gaze, "Not that I meant any harm."

He nodded and held Rayla in his arms.
I pushed and pulled at the water using the same thought if the moon causing tides. It worked and soon we were floating down the river. We had to go until we made it to the bridge lower down near the Lodge.

"You know, you're a good big brother." I muse, messing with Callum's hair as he snored a little on my lap.

Everyone had fallen asleep, by now even Mr. Sparkly-Pants. It was just me and Runaan.

He nods as he looked down at Rayla and then at Ez who refused to leave his side.

"You don't talk much do you." I sigh.
Runaan shrugs, "Sometimes, words can't describe my emotions."

I nod, "I understand. I mean, one time, I wanted to say something but I just couldn't and I just cried."

Runaan laughed and so do I.

"How old were you then?" He inquires as I ruffle Callum's hair.

"7." I laugh as I remember how hopeless I felt.

"And now?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Do you still struggle talking about emotions?"

I become flustered as I thought of the many times I couldn't tell people how I felt.
"Yeah. You?"

Runaan nods, "Yeah."
I notice the solemn look on his face.

"May I ask who?"

He sighs and replies with, "The one I love."

"Oh... I know how that feels. I've been practicing for years and i still can't say it."


"The people I love. Cal, Ez... Mum... Dad..." Tears flood my vision but I keep them in.
I chuckle, "I'm sorry. I'm bombarding you with my issues."

"Oh no. No. I'm just helping you." Runaan smiles.
My eyes take in his features, my eyes lingering a little longer than it should on his lips. I shake my head getting out of my stupid trance.

"Thanks. I needed that." I smile but it falters as I yawn.

"How long is it the little season get away of yours?" Runaan jokes.
I shrug, "I'm not su- Look! Y'all, get up! Get the heck up! We're here!"

"Wha-" Aaravos stirs in his sleep.
I look at the teen with a smile before tickling him.

"Gah! Ow!" He groans as he hits his head on the wooden post of the bridge.

I giggle as Runaan laughs at him. Callum gets up before signing, "We're here? I was just having the best dream you wake me up, because- We're here!"

Callum jumps onto the soil, peppering the post that Aaravos' head that hit with kisses.
"I never thought I'd love this old mossy post till I almost got eaten alive."

"The wolf was far off. Stop exaggerating." I chuckle as Runaan helps me off, Ez on his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." Aaravos rolls his eyes as I hoist him off the raft.

"Look, Y/n, I still hate you for hitting me in the head but I appreciate you helping me out."

I shrug, "Eh. I didn't exactly do it out of the goodness in my heart."
Ez bonks my head.

"Right, right. I did do it out of my heart's goodness." I chuckle, glaring at Ez.

"Truce?" Rayla sticks out her hand.

"There was a war?" I ask, jokingly and Ez bonks me on my head again.
I laugh, "Sure."


Aaravos was pining about how the decorations weren't even that good. Runaan was having a conversation with Rayla, casting glances my way every few minutes. Ezran was trying to teach Bait a trick. Callum and I were playing a complicated game of chess.

"Checkmate! Ha! I win." Callum teases, "Who's the ultimate chess master?! Huh? Me!"

I roll my eyes at his childishness, "Oh please. Sit down and stop drawing attention to yourself. You can't move that way. There see."

I move his piece back to it's original space and I move mine forward before yelling, "Ha! Checkmate."

Callum groans as he slumps in his chair, "That's not fair."

"Life's not fair." I correct, pecking his cheek before leaving to get some tea. Runaan laughs at the very flustered Callum but I think nothing of it. He's just embarrassed. Right?


"Aunt Amaya's coming." Ezran panicked as I pace around the room.


"Their aunt... General Amaya. She's anti-elf so there's no way in the deep blue she's gonna let you guys stay around."

"I'm sure, I can swoon her." Aaravos smirks and I roll my eyes.
"In case, you haven't noticed General Amaya is all work, not play. You're just a teenage with 300 years added due to being stuck in a mirror, you have a sweet tongue, she's got a salty sword." I roll my eyes.

Runaan rests a hand on my shoulder, giving me a small smile, "We'll figure out something."

I smile back at him before Callum clears his throat, interrupting the 'moment'.
"Remind me to add puking to my to-do list."

I roll my eyes with a small smile, "Will do, tomato face."

Callum blushes and I smirk. He clears his face again, "Right. Uh... As I was saying, Aunt Amaya won't take kindly to our "guests" so I propose an illusion spell-"

"Let me stop you there, high mage, but we gotta cover up 3 elves... It's daylight, we don't have all that energy. Plus, were all worn out from last night."

I nodded, "True, plus... I'm not all that of a good magic user so... These dudes and her royal dudette-sty gotta hide."

Rayla smirks at her title, "Royal dude-sty?"

"No, no. It's dudette-sty. You're always so grumpy, so... Why not?"


"Well figure out something. I'm sure." Runaan voices out loud. I nod, agreeing, "We always do."

A/n: here. My mom's about to kill me so here before I do lol


1140 words

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