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"Wouldn't be so sure." A voice adds.

A figure appears out of the shadows. He wielded a bow and arrow. His long, pearl-like locks passing just beyond the cervices of his broad shoulder. His face having been marked -assumably- in paint with traditional Moonshadow characters. His skin, a lovely shade of brown. His fierce eyes reflecting ocean waves as they danced on the shores.

I was so mesmerized by the man, I failed to notice Claudia.

"Ez, Callum, Y/n. Behind me, now." She growls

"We know, what your father is up to. No need to call out to the high-bloods. You pose more of a threat to them than us." Someone says.

What was up with these people and coming from the shadows? I mean- are they not Moonshadows?

"Ethari? Wha-"

"Not Ethari, but I take it, he is a noble warrior." The male adds with the Thunder's egg in hand.

He, like the man before, had a stone-like expression. A smirk threatened to play on his lips. He was tall, his skin like a young night sky, literally. His amber eyes seemed to hide more emotion than his face could ever expression. On his cheeks, just under his eyes lay stars. Bright, beautiful stars...

I wonder if it were real, I thought to myself.

No longer, letting my eyes linger on the drop dead gorgeous men, I turn to Claudia. Without warning, she charging at us... well, the elves. They skillfully managed to dodge her attacks as we ran.

Throughout the whole thing, even when Callum did an Aspiro spell, one thing ran through my mind.

ThE dRaGoN pRiNcE wAs AlIvE!


"Hey, you alright?" Callum asks as we walk through the forest, having escaping the castle. My hand was entangled with Ezran's as we edged on.

I shrug, "We could've stop a century long war... Potentially, have a peaceful life, yet... Viren hid the egg. Did your dad know? And if he did-"

I cut myself off as Callum & I visibly gulp.

Callum sighs, "I'm sure, my father had unselfish, reasonable reasons for this. I mean, I hope."

I nod and my eyes trail to the female elf and the stoic man with her as they walk on with the night-star a bit behind.. I tell Ez to hold on to Callum as I slow down to meet their pace.

"Hey. Um... I never introduced myself. I'm Y/n."

"Name's Rayla, this is my... brother, Runaan." the elf states, bitterly.

"Aaravos." Night-sky replies, nonchalantly.

I smile, "Nice you know you guys are on our side. I mean- I-"

"We're not your side, human." Runaan growls. I raise my hands in surrend, "Oi, don't get all angry at me. What I mean is, is that we both want the same thing. Getting the egg to his mother. Nothing more, nothing less."

"You don't know me, you don't know what I want." Aaravos muttered.

I glare at him, but I shrug it off. Who knows what he's been through...

"Aye! Callum, it's late. Let's some rest. Right, Ez?" I smile. The boy comes to a stop and he agrees. 

Soon, everyone was slumped against a tree and we all fall asleep. Well- sorta.

The Dragon Prince: One Of Her Kindحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن