"And what are you scared of exactly?"

"I just recently found out I liked my best friend. Who's a male. And I'm obviously sexually attracted to him but it's like being a damn virgin all over again and I'm afraid he might end up not liking it and shit I don't know...it's so damn complicated "

"I think you're the one making it complicated. I'm not going to tell you what it is you're ready or not ready for. That's for you to decide. But I know an overthinking person when I see one. Not to be intrusive or anything but isn't this San's first experience as well?"

Wooyoung blinked."I...it is or at least as far as I know"

"So can't it be something the two of you can enjoy and experience together? Obviously at your own time. "

"But like ...sex is like a new step to something more that I don't think I can handle yet. I want him. Trust me I do. But I'm afraid of what it'd mean"he admitted.

"I thought we agreed on not putting labels on anything. That should be something special between you two not some sort of level you have to achieve."she told him.

"I know. I guess I'm just scared that San is going to want something more soon. Something official."

"Is the issue here coming out? Publicily dating? Because if it is then like I said, you're overthinking. This is about you. Not San. Not anyone else. Just you. If you're not mentally prepared for that then that's final. No is going to force you to come out. And by the way you perceive San when we're talking about him I can be sure he wouldn't do that to you either."she assured him.

"No. He wouldn't. "Wooyoung agreed.

"And you know this because?"

"He's patient and selfless like that. He never puts himself first. "

"Exactly. But here's the thing Wooyoung. San may be like that but not for too long. He's human at the end of the day with feelings of his own. Don't take advantage of his patience and stay in your comfort zone. A relationship is a two way bond. You're not coming out for the public to know, you're coming out to give you and your partner a sense of security and freedom.No one deserves to be kept a secret unless the two of you are doing something wrong like cheating. "She explained calmly.

"So what do you want me to do? What if I will never be ready to come out?"

She smiled."If you love San trust me it will happen. Love makes you overcome a lot of things you would have considered impossible."

"You sound too sure of yourself "he snarked.

She smirked."This is my occupation Wooyoung."

"But you have to at least experience it to be giving anyone advice "Wooyoung pressed.

She removed her glasses and put them on the table before folding her arms and watching Wooyoung with her feline eyes. "Are you questioning my level of intelligence on my job now? Also, what makes you think I haven't experienced any of that?"

"I don't see a ring on your finger "

"Yes. Because I'm a 26 year old unmarried woman but that does not exempt me from dating or being in a relationship and experiencing the things you did now does it?"

Wooyoung's eyes widened."You're 26?"

"Yes. What else would you like to know about my personal life? I'm all ears "she said in a monotone voice.

Wooyoung realized he might have crossed the line there."Oh. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything "

"I'm not offended "she smiled again.

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