GMH 13

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"Why did you think I'd forget you? " Wooyoung asked Yoona who was now sitting with him on the convenience store patio.

She opened her can of diet coke and chugged it down at one go like it was water. "Last time we were together you were pretty eager to get me home and probably never wanted to see my face again. Which is no surprise to be honest because isn't that how hooking up works? Fuck whoever you find at the party and forget their existence the following day. It's like the unspoken rule."

"I'm sorry. "

"It's fine. Plus I already knew you only slept with me to piss off Jackson. "

Wooyoung cringed. "That's not why? I slept with you because I wanted to. You're... attractive. "

She laughed. "That was the most awkward compliment I've ever heard anyone say to me. Let me guess, I'm attractive. But not enough to catch your attention. "

"Yoona i... "

"Wooyoung you can stop being so tense. I already knew you weren't interested that way in me but a girl could only dream right? "

"I don't get why you even like me to be honest. "

She snorted. "I can't tell if you're being humble or serious but if you really want to know Wooyoung, you're fine as fuck. More than attractive. And I'm not just talking about your looks. Your personality is.... at least from what I've seen... my kind of taste? If you will. You're just... perfect. " she casually said.

Wooyoung blushed. "Is this how you got Jackson to fall for you? Showering him with compliments? "

She chuckled. "Not even. Jackson was actually obsessed with me and I don't mean it in a cocky way. He really was obsessed. And to be honest with you I don't know how I even ended up going out with him. Want me to let you in on a secret? "

"I'm bad at keeping secrets" Wooyoung warned.

"I honestly couldn't care less if you told people about it. It's about time they knew anyway. "

"Is it about Jackson? "

"Kind of. See the thing is people think I dumped Jackson for you. But that's not the case. That jerk broke up with me, not the other way round. "

Wooyoung's brows raised in surprise. "Jackson left you? Thought you said he was obsessed? "

"Yeah. But I guess not obsessed enough to stick around once he found out I'm bi. His homophobic ass dumped me over a text message when my jealous ex girlfriend told him I was lesbian and he was my sexuality awakening or some shit like that. That idiot of course believed her and called me a whore for using him like that. Ah, let's not forget being called a dyke by him and my ex telling him my sexuality without my consent. Pretty shitty right? "

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