GMH 44

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"I know this is a lot for you and accepting it is going to make you feel burdened but Young-ah, I can never give you anything if your automatic response is to always say no."San said when he probably realized Wooyoung had been quiet for too long.

"San, you bought a whole damn house! This is not even about me feeling burdened or anything like that. Any person with common sense would know how over the top this is."Wooyoung stressed.

"And any person with common sense would also know that you turning me down everytime I try to do something good for you hurts my feelings."San argued back.

That definitely hit a nerve."Don't...don't gaslight me into this."

"That's not what I'm doing. You've never had someone in your life treat you right. Give you the things you deserve. Why can't you just let me be that person for you? Is that too much to ask?"

"And what about me? What can I give you? I'm not rich. My mental health is shit. I have a lot going on internally and I can't even take care of myself. All I do is depend on people and use them. I'm such a mess that I have to take therapy at fucking 18 while other people my age are living life and enjoying it. I can't even rid myself from my abusive father because I'm too coward to face the world on my own. I keep pushing away people who actually do care about me because it makes me feel like I'm an emotional baggage to them. To you. There's nothing that I have left in me to give and you still want me?"Wooyoung's voice cracked at the end.

San's face softened as he stepped closer and pulled him into a hug."Young-ah, I'm not doing you a favor or pitying you. I'm your boyfriend. I love you silly.
I'm doing this because I want to. Because I can. If I want to spend my money on you then I will and I don't need nothing in return for that. Why can't you see how much I love you?"

"I know you do I just...."

"If you do then stop questioning it. It makes me feel like you don't trust me."

"But what about the furniture and all that kind of stuff?"Wooyoung asked in a small voice.

"I would take care of it all but you're so stubborn so I'll let you help me with that."

"And bills?"

"I'll pay them."

Wooyoung pulled back from the hug."San."

San cupped his face."Fine. We'll split them. Better now?"

"Not really but that'll do."

San pinched his cheek."You're so stubborn."

"You would understand if you were in my position."

"I don't need to be in any position to know that there's nothing wrong with receiving love especially when all your life you've never had anyone give it to you. Now, do you want to go in and see inside?"

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