GMH 32

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"I'm not in the mood for a lecture from you San, leave me alone."Mingi muttered quietly, head buried in his hands where he sat on the bench just outside the  team's changing rooms.

"I'm not here to lecture you. Is your ankle okay?"San sat down next to him.

Mingi slowly raised his head and looked at San in confusion."How did you know about that?"

"It'd be weird if I didn't."San leaned over and tugged Mingi's sock down. He hissed in pain as San's hand grazed the purple bluish area.

"Why did you keep playing? You injured it like 20 minutes into the game."San scolded.

"I couldn't just leave. Not with how bad we were doing."


"But nothing San. It's just a little sprain. I'll be fine."Mingi shrugged his hand off and pulled his leg back.

San sighed and sat up straight."I'm sorry. For being ignorant. I didn't even try to find out what was going on and if you were okay."

"It's fine. It's not like I did anything right to warrant someone giving a fuck about what I think or feel."

"You know that's not true but what I want to know is what really happened Mingi?"

"Yunho. He's in love with me San and I...I don't know what to do. I still can't even process it after a week. I freaked out and said some shit to him I didn't mean at all. "

This was all too familiar for San."What did you say to him?"

"Fucked up shit. That his feelings were a burden. That he should have kept it to himself. You have no idea how much I regretted that as soon as he left. And I tried to reach out to him. Apologize. He wanted nothing to do with me. He was hurt and it was all because of me."Mingi's eyes welled up with tears as he explained.

"So I'm guessing you don't feel the same way?"

Mingi looked at him."I wish i did. You of all people know I would do anything for him. But this..San I still can't even come to terms with the fact that he sees me that way."

"Does it weird you out?"

"No! It's because I feel bad. I can't return his feelings even though I wish I could just so he could stop hurting so much. I'm starting to think I did this. I caused all of this. I gave him false hope and now..."

"Don't be ridiculous. Yunho is in love with you because that's just how it happened. You can't blame yourself for his feelings."San told him.

"Then what I should do? I'm scared. What if he ends up hating or resenting me? We've been fighting constantly and it'd end up with us saying hurtful things to each other. I just....don't know how to solve this."Mingi stressed.

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