GMH 18

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9 years ago.......

''Jun, did you finish your homework?'' eleven year old Wooyoung asked his best friend, sitting cross legged on the expensive carpet of their house while he watched him play games on his computer. A computer Wooyoung wished he had but knew would never get until he was old enough to buy one with his own money.

Yeonjun smirked, pausing the game and looked down at him from where he sat on the game chair.''Not yet. Maybe later.''

''Are you not going to get in trouble for that?''

He shook his head.''Mom said i can do it later before i sleep. You?''

Wooyoung pouted.''My Dad always makes me do it everyday after school as soon as i come back. ''

Yeonjun shrugged''You can just lie and say you don't have any''

''I can't lie. I'd get punished for it''Wooyoung stopped there. He didn't want to tell his best friend that his father beats him and even once locked him in the bathroom the whole night when he was 9 because he lied about drinking the juice he had bought and kept in the fridge for three weeks without drinking it at all. Wooyoung had thought he didn't want it anymore.

He never told Yeonjun about how his father made him eat once a day and that was only in the evening when Wooyoung had to cook for both of them because he said he was too fat. He never told Yeonjun about his father choking him in his bed almost every night telling him how he killed his wife. Or how he switched the lights off and made him study in the dark because he was using a lot of the elctricity. Or how he never went to the PTA meetings at or picked up any of Wooyoung's reports despite doing very well in school. He could never because he liked Yeonjun. He was his only friend and didn't want to scare him off. While everyone at school bullied him and called him fat like his own father and that he didn't have a mother, Yeonjun was the only one who had approached him, sat next to him at the cafeteria and said Hi to him with a friendly smile.

''Yes you can. It's easy. Mom and Dad believe it all the time.''Yeonjun told him.

Wooyoung blinked up at him.''I just can't.''

Yeonjun sighed.''Forget it. Come sit with me.''he patted the little space he made in his chair after scooting to the side.

Wooyoung smiled happily and got up. He squeezed into the little space and Yeonjun put an arm around him so he wouldn't fall.

''Have you played before?''Yeonjun asked.


''It's fine. I can teach you.''Yeonjun restarted the game and they spent the next hour playing together with Wooyoung failing miserably but Yeonjun was patient with him nonetheless.

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