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"I know you're awake. " San said.

Ari shifted with a whine and snuggled her head in his neck. "You could have just pretended you didn't know. How long was I out for? "

"About an hour and half"

She hummed. "You're to blame. You just kept going till the fifth round. "

"It's not like you tried to stop me. "

"Fair enough. Is this the part where you get up and leave then ignore me the next day at school when you see my face? " Ari asked almost laying fully on top of San and her hand tracing circles on his chest.

"Not even going to lie and say no. " San replied, eyes on the ceiling and mind blank after some heated fucking. Out of all his hookups, Ari was something else. Gave good head, knew how to ride dick and a fucking amazing kisser. She'd be a great keeper.

She chuckled but it was dry from what he could tell. "I don't blame you. That's how one night stands are supposed to be like. But for some reason I keep wanting this to be more than that. I don't know, you're just...different. "

San scoffed, removing her hand off of his chest then sat up, his bare feet meeting the cold tiled floor. "How many guys have you used that line on and they've fucked you over? "

"Enough to drive me into 6 months of depression. " she casually replied, wrapping the sheet around her naked body.

San raised a brow."And you want to make me one of those guys? " he picked up his clothes from the floor and got dressed.

"Like I said. You're different. Cheesy as it sounds. I just... I just felt something with you tonight and I like how it felt. The way you kissed me, held me, touched me. No one's ever done that before. I felt so loved and cared for"

Judging from the serious expression and the longing on her face, San had a feeling she was being genuine with it. "Sorry but I don't want to be your rebound. "

"That's not.... "

"Ari, you just broke up with your boyfriend and you needed affection and some sex obviously. But that's just what it was. Nothing more. Don't delude yourself into thinking you actually want me. You barely even know me. "San put on his shoes and switched his phone on that he didn't remember switching off.

" I can get to know you. "She said in a sultry voice slipping the sheet off of her before padding over to him. San really tried to keep his eyes up but he failed miserably as she swayed her hips for measure and stopped so close to him her breasts were flush against his chest.

" I swear you're a whole 180 from who I thought you were when you shyly said hi to me back at the house."San said pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.

"San I'm serious. I kinda want to do this again. I'm not asking for a relationship. Just... Maybe not end it here hmm? " she slid her hand under his shirt and ran her fingers down his abs. His breath hitched and without thinking his hands found her waist and pulled her closer, leaning in.

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