Chapter 38 : Time to rebuild 🔞

Start from the beginning

"My wife is named Seline."

Loy's heart skipped a beat, and it felt as though someone had thrown cold water in his face.

"And he's also very beautiful."

Ah, this sentence seemed to hurt even more.

"Seline is gone. And I apologize for not being as beautiful as him."

The smaller man lifted his head to look directly at the other, allowing his sapphire eyes to scrutinize the clean-shaven face closely. The rough, calloused hand grazed the heated, flushed cheek that was soft and supple, inviting the press of lips.

"You're beautiful too..."

The larger man murmured, making a move to pull his hand away, but Loy caught it and held it to his cheek.

"Don't you really remember me? I'm Loy, remember?"

The omega spoke up and stood up to face the other.

"We first met on the ship, remember? I was dancing like this."

The smaller one positioned his hands at his chest and swayed his hips, and shook his butt for Santino to see.

"You saw me dancing just like this, right? Then... then the ship was attacked, and I... I took a bullet to my butt for you."

The smaller one peeled off his pair of cotton shorts and tugged his underwear up until it was almost like a g-string, pointing at a faint mark that was barely visible against the smooth, round flesh of his buttock.

"This... this is the bullet wound."

Santino looked at the little butt with an impassive face, causing Loy to be more embarrassed than before.


The older one asked, cocking his head to the side.


"I can't see it. Come closer."

Loy moved closer to the deep-voiced man as if under a spell, but being this close while half-naked was causing his own cheeks to burn with a heat that he could barely stand.

Santino didn't speak, didn't touch the delicate body, but his gaze was raking over Loy with a heat that was making Loy squirm until he pulled his shorts back up, replacing his fingers with his engagement ring instead. This should do a better job of reminding him.

"Before the incident happened, you were going to ask me to marry you."

Santino said nothing, his gaze indifferent as he stared at the ring in Loy's pale hand. Dejected, the omega set the ring down on the nightstand, intending to get up and cry somewhere private, but he was scooped up by a large arm and placed on a hard lap.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm... huh."

Loy bit his lip to hold back a sob. He might be stronger now, but when it came to Santino and their child, it was hard to keep his emotions in check.

"Shouldn't we, as a married couple, do things together?"

A warm hand slipped beneath his soft clothing. Loy shifted slightly, aware that his body wasn't the same as before. There were muscles now; he wasn't as soft and squishy as he used to be. Santino might not like it. But when he was suddenly stripped of his shirt and pants, the older man breathed out..

"My wife is so beautiful."

It wasn't sarcasm but a genuine sentiment from the larger man.

"I've missed you so much. I wanted to dream of you every night."

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