Chapter 32 : Sand Castle

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⚠️ Attempted self-harm/immersion/blood/violence. Please read with discretion.

The tense atmosphere inside the room seems to be covered in a thick black fog. However, when there is no benefit in hiding the truth, Loy nods his head. Not daring to look at the face of the large man, so he could not see his eyes flicker.

"Did he send you?"


Loy couldn't speak, only standing there swallowing a lump, feeling a tightness in his throat.

"Dion Blaze, you son of a bitch. I should have let you die in the middle of the desert."

Santino cursed.


The small figure tried to hold back before a sob escaped.

Santino's stern words and angry expression were almost too much for Loy to bear. But at the same time, Dr. Miguel's words started to have an impact on the young Omega's mind.

"What does he hope to achieve by sending someone like you in?"

"Sir, I..."

"I am no longer your 'sir,' Loy."

The small figure clenched his teeth at the edge of his lips.

"What Dion has done is called backstabbing. What evil thing did I do to the point of being suspicious of even his own allies?"

"And what did you do... when the dock sent the White Rose gang's merchandise? We found your bullets there."

The young mafia smiled, but his eyes were dull, and he still felt pain in his chest to the point where he couldn't answer what Loy wanted to know.

"What would it matter if I did?"


"Dion already knew that it would have to happen, the issue of revenge, but he didn't care. He had a part in causing my wife's death. If I were to send someone to destroy his belongings as retaliation, wouldn't it be justified? Isn't that right? You yourself know the mafia ways well."

"But the mafia doesn't betray their allies, sir."

"You should go and tell your boss first."

Loy couldn't argue further because deep down, he knew that not everything Dion said was right.

"And what else is he hiding? What else is he suspicious of? Is it about the auction? Is it Dr. Phillip, too?"

'Don Bertolucci is the one who ordered me to kill him. It was him.'

As Dr. Miguel's voice echoed in Loy's head, and he struggled to catch his breath, his small body became tense, his grip on the knife tightened, and his trembling chest felt a pang of loss, realizing that the familiar spark in those eyes filled with love had disappeared

It turned into the lifeless gaze of something that no longer existed.

"Whatever it is, I don't want to care about it anymore."

Don't you care? Does it mean the feelings they had for each other?

"Santino. Heuk. Santino."

Loy called out the name as the other party started unbuttoning his suit, quickly reaching out with a thick hand to delve into his suit pocket.

"You won't go back to Dion again if..."

Alpha took a step forward towards Omega, who was standing there trembling.

'Make him fall for you. Make it a success.'

The voice of Dion echoed in his head.

'He loves Selene. His ex-wife is the only one for him because they were a bonded couple. You just came along, at the right place and time. As soon as he gets bored of you, he'll throw you away like a stray dog on the street.'

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