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"How do you know we can trust her?" Oscar voiced the concern that lingered in the air. The new arrival, Michonne, had brought unsettling news of Glenn and Maggie being held captive by a man calling himself "the governor", in a place called Woodbury. The group found themselves in a moment of deliberation.

"This is Maggie and Glenn. Why are we even debating?" Beth's voice cut through the uncertainty, her worry for her sister evident. Daryl, with his instinct to act, declared, "I'll go after 'em," a determination echoing in his words.

"Well, this place sounds pretty secure. You can't go alone," Rick pointed out, pragmatism in his voice.

"I'm in," Vanessa immediately offered her support, her determination pushing her to be part of the rescue mission. However, Daryl, protective as ever, wasn't eager to let her come along. "Nah, ya just almost died. You need rest Nessie, sorry." Despite her protests, Vanessa knew Daryl had a point. She reluctantly nodded, understanding the need to prioritize her recovery.

"But I can ma-" Vanessa began to argue, but Rick intervened before she could finish her sentence. "Daryl's right; you'll stay here. You would slow us down; you're still not fixed up." Vanessa sighed, acknowledging the validity of Rick's decision, even if it stung to be left behind.

"I'll go," Beth's voice unexpectedly broke the momentary silence, her determination surprising those around her. Oscar and Alex quickly volunteered to join the mission, expressing their readiness to face the dangers ahead. Rick, after a moment of contemplation, nodded in agreement. "Alright."

In the planning that ensued, Michonne shared crucial information about Woodbury and the governor's stronghold. The group huddled around a table, tracing out potential routes, discussing entry points, and considering every angle of the impending rescue mission. Vanessa, despite being sidelined, listened intently, her mind eager to contribute even if her body wasn't.

As the group prepared to depart, Vanessa approached Daryl. "Keep them safe," she whispered, her eyes locking onto his. He nodded solemnly, his gaze reflecting both determination and a promise to return unharmed. Vanessa quickly pulled Daryl into a tight hug before stepping back. "And please, be careful Dare." She whispered, her eyes burning his own. "Always." He whispered back.

The rescue party, finally led by Rick, Daryl, Oscar, and Michonne, set out into the unknown. As they ventured towards Woodbury, the air was thick with anticipation and concern, each step taking them closer to the fate of their captured friends. Meanwhile, back at the prison, Vanessa couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness, her thoughts consumed by the hope that this risky mission would bring Glenn and Maggie back to them.


"You're good with her, you got little sisters?" Alex's question cut through the tense air, referring to Beth holding Carl's sister in her arms. "No."

"How old are you anyway?" Vanessa exchanged a glance with Carol, finding the conversation somewhat unusual. "Seventeen," Beth replied, her attention on the baby in her arms. "Seventeen? Interesting," Alex remarked, a comment that raised eyebrows.

Carol decided to intervene, "May I speak with you?" She addressed Alex, "Me ?" He asked surprised, she simply nodded at him and left the cell. "I'll be right back." and he followed her out of the cell. Vanessa, left with Beth and Carl, continued chatting softly, attempting to soothe the baby to sleep. Her mind, however, wandered to the group that had left for Woodbury, hoping for their safety and success.


"Finally got Judith to sleep," Hershel crutched towards the group, breaking into their conversation. "How are we with the formula?" Carl inquired, his concern evident. "We have enough to last us another month," Vanessa provided, looking at the old man and then joining the discussion. "I'll go as soon as I'm rested; we need more." Carl joined in, "Me too. We'll go at the end of the week." Beth offered a reassuring perspective, "Your dad and the others will be back by then."

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