Part 37

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"I guess we'll just start. I just can wait no more." MinYeong said.

"wait man. Let my precious daughter come first." Richard said chuckling as he saw the impatient state of MinYeong.

At that moment, they were sitting near the swimming pool of MinYeong's mansion drinking not caring about anything.

"I just can't wait to see them on their knees in front of me begging for their lives. You know? I plan on boiling them to death. Their screams will be the most pleasant thing to hear."

"what about the box you sent to Yoon Ella?"

"she'll for sure think it's a trap from me."

"why did you even send it when you knew it was of no work?"

"it was just a small test."

"What do you mean?"

MinYeong didn't say anything and just chuckled.

Richard ignored it and looked in front then asked, "YeoJun disappeared all of a sudden."

MinYeong hummed then said, "BangTan took him."

Richard frowned and asked, "so aren't you going to do anything?"

"why should I even do anything? He's doing everything on his on." he said poking his inner cheeks with an unreadable smile.

"can you just say straight?"

Just then the glass door behind slid opened. SuHee beside another girl entered and started walking towards them.

Richard smirked seeing the masked girl beside SuHee.

"meet my beloved daughter MinYeong. Jang Jimin."

MinYeong smiled standing up and Jimin removed her mask.

"Just like her mother." MinYeong mumbled under his breath and chuckled. "sit down my child."

Jimin sat down and he signaled SuHee to get out. SuHee didn't say anything and left with the same straight face she was holding from the start.

The whole meeting room was empty and silent. Only his breathings could be heard. The room was dim lighted and Jin sat there resting his elbows on the table, holding his head between both of his palms.

"aaghh!" he groaned ruffling his hair and hit his fist on the glass table.

He got up and walked towards the medium sized white board placed in the room.

He stared at it for some moments and pulled a chair and placed in front of the board then sat down taking a marker.

He then started drawing and writing different things according to what YeoJun said.


"don't kill her I-I'll tell you whatever I know." YeoJun said seeing Namjoon's actions as he was ready to pull the trigger of the gun he was holding on SuHee's head.

Namjoon pulled back the gun from her and stood still to hear his explanation.

"Mr. Kang never shares informations with us except it's for work." He said.

"tell us whatever you know." said Jungkook.

YeoJun gulped before starting. "Do you know the incident that happened fourteen years ago with Kim JaeJun?"

None made any noise so he continued. "Mr. Kang said, there was a guy who helped him to import diamonds illegally was stabbed by him because of an argument. But he took him to hospital too because he didn't get his diamonds and that day that guy asked Kim JaeJun for help and asked him to file a case against him because Mr. Kang blackmailed him with his family. After that........ Mr. Kang went behind Kim JaeJun. Actually he wasn't related with any of those messes but his sin was only that he knew Mr. Kang's secret."


Jin gulped while he pointed the important things tried remembered about that one specific day of his life which he didn't remember Clearly but knew something was off about that day.


The 17 year old SeokJin was roaming around his house with a notebook and pen in his hands in order to find his father after he didn't find him in his room.

After looking through the whole house he didn't find him anywhere so he decided to take a look at the backyard.

And he was right. He found his father there but...... in a way he never wanted to. He couldn't believe his eyes and the notebook and pen he brought to solve some equations with his father fell on the tiled stairs as he was still standing near the door wich caused to make a thud sound and the person present there along with his father diverted their attention to the direction of the sound.

Kang MinYeong was standing in front of his eyes with a knife stabbed inside his father's chest as his father fell down on the ground holding the knife.

Jin started breathing heavily and fell on his knees holding onto the railing as his eyes never left the sight. Tears started flowing out of his eyes yet he didn't budge at all and he kept on staring at his father who was breathing heavily while looking at him.

MinYeong pulled out the knife from His father's body and walked to Jin with that in his hands.

He stood in front of him as Jin looked up at him and MinYeong held the bloody knife on his neck.

"wh-why?" Jin asked in a broken voice as a whimper left his mouth and he again looked down.

"I know you're as stubborn as your father so don't think I'll ask you not to tell anyone or I'll kill you too...." MinYeong said in a calm voice. "take the blame."

Jin slowly raised up his face and stopped crying. He looked at him in confusion.

"it's fortunate for me that you showed up at this moment. Things will get easier for me now." he said smirking. "surrender to your family saying you killed him." he said pointing JaeJun on the ground with his knife.

"Why should I?" Jin finally spoke up. His voice was filled with rage.

MinYeong chuckled saying, "why? Because I ordered you to."

"I will kill you!" Jin said standing up and gripped MinYeong's collar glaring at him with his red teary eyes.

MinYeong moved the knife again to his side-neck and pressed it hard against his skin making a slightly-deep cut and Jin hissed in pain as he left his collar and stumbled back holding his bloody neck.

MinYeong didn't say anything more and left from there.

Jin looked at his father lying on the ground and ran towards him. He took his head on his lap and started caressing his father's face saying, "wake up dad. Please don't do this to me. Don't leave me. That crazy man will kill me too dad please don't leave me like this please." he screamed while holding his dead father and cried his heart out sitting there.


Jin widened his eyes as things started getting clear and he started remembering things. He started breathing heavily as he calculated everything he knew and they started to make sense.

"So it was K-Kang MinYeong?" he whispered to himself and the marker dropped from his hand.

Someone asked why I named the Brand's name Daesang cause they felt like it doesn't sound good.

So first of all Daesang means Grand Prize which is/are given to the best actors or actresses in Korea.

I have thought about it before naming this that their company is about Fashion. And Idk why I thought like 'Yeah this might go with this' and bla bla bla.

Idk if this makes any sense but I made it like this that, their brand supplies outfits for shootings (not for all ofc) besides they're also like a normal brand.

So their brand and actors are somehow connected......

Yk what I mean right? 😐

And it's actually Daesang clothing. But they just call it Daesang in short.

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