Minho instantly knew who Felix was talking about. It was obvious, Felix had never been quiet about his love for Changbin, loudly professing his admiration at every chance he got. "I don't know, but when you find out can you tell me?" Minho replied, chuckling halfheartedly.

Felix's eyes widened as he tried to compose himself enough to ask "You?... Jisung?"

Minho nodded.

"For how long?" Felix asked, still sniffling.

"How long have you had feelings for Changbin?" Minho asked right back.

"I asked you first, hyung! How about we count to 3 and say it at the same time?" Felix asked.

"Okay. 1, 2, 3..." Minho counted.

In unison they said "Predebut."  They both laughed as Felix wiped his tear soaked face.

"This is a mess. We are all friends... How did we both end up falling for one of our bandmates?..." Felix asked, shaking his head.

"Can't choose who you fall in love with..." Minho said, shrugging.

"I feel like we could have at least tried not to fall." Felix said, sighing loudly.

"I don't know about you but I sure as hell tried not to have feelings for that weird little guy but he bore his way into my heart anyway." Minho said.

"Minho hyung! I'm not used to hearing you speak so romantically! This is a totally different side of you." Felix exclaimed.

"I guess I really only show this side with Jisung..." Minho said, trailing off.

"Geez that's even more romantic. How does Jisung resist it?! With your typical tsundere attitude but being especially soft with him? If I were him I would melt." Felix said sincerely.

"I don't know if he's just oblivious to the fact that how I feel and interact with him is different or if he is just trying to ignore my feelings until they go away because he doesn't reciprocate... Either way I can't let myself get bogged down by it. I just have to keep living my life. Being by his side is enough for now." Minho said as he got up to turn the coffee maker on.

"Hyung! I'm literally going to cry! You really are in love with him..." Felix said, sitting back in shock.

"Enough about me, you are clearly not handling this separation well. You can... talk to me about it if you want to." Minho said nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact as he walked back to the table.

"You are a kind hyung. I have slept with someone in the same bed or at least the same room since I moved here to Korea. Not one night did I spend alone. Even in hotels I had a roommate and then suddenly I'm all alone in this big bed and it hit me hard. I didn't want just anyone beside me, I wanted Changbin hyung, but he doesn't feel the same way..." Felix said.

"How do you know that?" Minho asked.

"If he needed me like I need him then he would have asked me to move in with him and the rest of 3Racha instead of Hyunjin. He's clearly fine with us being apart and that only makes it hurt more... I don't know how I'm going to face him today knowing I cried like a baby over him all last night and this morning... I'm pathetic." Felix said, looking down sadly.

"You aren't pathetic, Yongbok. You are in love, and love makes people do dumb things. If you don't want to face him then stick by me today in practice. I will be your buffer." Minho said seriously in fear of Felix crying again.

Felix got up and quickly wrapped his arms around Minho's shoulders, squeezing him tight as he said "It feels so good to get all this off my chest. And just know that your secret is safe with me too and I will be there for you whenever being strong is not so easy."

Fresh Daisies, First Snow | Minsung |ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now