
She was gone. I watched her slip out of my hands like a frayed rope. The pain and hurt in her eyes burned into my soul and there was nothing I could say or do to stop her from feeling that way. I was frozen to the floor as Georgy left. I wanted nothing more than to just chase after her but it wasn't something she wanted; or at least it wasn't something I could do. Tears of hurt and anger streamed down my face. I stood in the living room numb and cold. How could I do this to her? All the things I have said or done has come to this moment and it was out of my control. I have no excuse for this. She needed time and I understood that but I didn't want to give her time. I was selfish for that. I have been so selfish through our entire relationship.

I have watched Georgy flourish and I should've held on to that flower so delicately but instead I crushed it in my hands. The darkness inside me turned that flower black. I was so angry with myself. I should've said I loved her and maybe just maybe she would still be here. I need to change for her; that could bring her back to me. 

My feet finally moved from the spot in my living room and made their way into the kitchen. I grabbed the whisky and glass out of the cupboard. I poured the golden liquid into the glass and threw it down my throat. I held onto the counter like my feet could give out underneath me. I poured myself another drink and sat down at the table. I watched the trees sway with the window behind my window. I went through all the should've, could've, would've in my head but nothing came out good. I knew I royally fucked up and I couldn't fix it. Why was I like this?



The plane touched down onto the runway and braked heavily. People clapped as we slowed down. I pulled out my headphone out of my ears and put them in my purse. Once the plane fully came to a stop at the gate, I got myself situated and stood up when the stewardess said we could. People began to get their things and made a line to get off the plane. I waited for my turn and moved with the line. 

My suitcase stood beside me while I waited for my Uber to pick me up. The cold night air in Seattle brushed against my skin. Car's tires slushed on the wet pavement as they drove past the airport. A black Nissan Ultima pulled to the side of the sidewalk and put the four-ways on. The driver got out and picked up my suitcase to put into the trunk. He closed the trunk and opened the back door open for me. I slipped inside the car and waited for the driver to do the same. The man got into the car and began to drive towards my apartment. The street lights aluminate inside the car as we drove. Flashes of memories with Alexander went through my mind as we drove through the city. I grabbed my phone from my purse and pressed on Callie's phone number. The phone rang a couple of times before she picked up.

"Georgy? Are you okay?" She asked with concern.

I took a second before I answered her.

"No," I whimpered.

"Where are you? Aren't you in London?" She asked.

"No I-I left, I'm on my way back to my apartment," I explained while wiping my tears away from my face.

"Oh my god, okay hun I'm on my way over," She said quickly.

I hung up the phone and watched the raindrops race against each other on the wall. Traffic was busy but it seemed so quick when the driver pulled up to the front of my building. I thanked the man and grabbed my purse. I moved to his trunk once I got out of the car and pulled my suitcase out of the back. The rain padded down on me as I closed the trunk. I quickly walked to the front door of my building and opened the glass door. I moved through the lobby and to the elevators. 

I stepped inside the elevator and waited for it to move to my floor. Once the doors opened to my floor, I walked down the hall and unlocked my door. The warmth engulfed me as I set inside the front foyer. My hands fumbled with the light switch as tossed my keys on the island. Before I could take my suitcase to my bedroom, a knock on my door startled me. I looked through the peephole and saw an anticipated Callie at the door. I opened the door and was instantly embraced in a hug. My world crashed around me when Callie wrapped her arms around me. I shook with each cry into her shoulder.

"Shh it's okay," Callie cooed.

"No, it's not okay, nothing is okay Callie," I sobbed harder.

She let go of me and closed the door behind her. Callie rubbed my back as we walked to the living room. She sat me down on the couch and quickly grabbed a glass of water for me from the kitchen. She came back and set it down on the coffee table.

"What happened?" She asked gently.

I shook my head and cried.

"Everything, everything I was afraid of happened," I explained with a sniffle.

"I went to see your brother and tell him that I loved him and to fix things between us but then things went sideways and he-he snapped,"I continued.

The look of hurt washed across her face like the water against the shore.

"W-We got into an argument because Elijah called me when I was getting ready to go out with Alexander and he yelled at me kicked me out of the car," I said with a sob.

"Woah woah woah back up, Elijah called you while you were getting ready and then Alexander kicked you out of the car? I'm sorry I'm not following you," She said closing her eyes and shaking her head.

I took a breath.

"I was getting ready cause Alexander was taking me to a play and Elijah called but then Alexander answered the call cause I told him to and then when Alexander came upstairs to check on me I asked him who called, and he said that it was just you calling me," I said trying to explain everything. 

She nodded her head for me to continue.

"Then when we were going to go back after the play I asked him why he was acting so odd and he told me to check who called me; anyway I checked to see who it was and saw Elijah called and then Alexander blew up and kicked me out of the car into the rain," I finished.

Callies mouth fell open in shock.

"Oh my gosh, this is my fault," Callie gasped.

I looked at her funny.

"I got you the job with Elijah thinking Alexander wouldn't come back to Seattle for a while and then he found out and flew off the handles," She said with guilt.

"No this isn't your fault Callie; I did this to myself," I cried looking down at my hands.

"I can't believe my brother did that," She said with anger.

The hurt in her turned red and she looked like she was going to pop at any moment.

"Before he kicked me out of the car he told me that he shouldn't have let me into his life and should've left me in the alleyway where I belonged," I said, telling her the worst part of it all.

She stood up and pulled out her phone.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," She gritted her teeth.

"No! No! No! Callie! Please don't call him!" I said standing up and trying to grab her phone out of her hand.

"No Georgy! This is not okay!" She yelled at me.

I stopped fighting her and sat back down. Callie put her phone to her ear and waited for Alexander to answer. I could hear his voice once he answered the phone and it sent pain all through my body.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" She screamed into the phone.

"How dare you say those things to Georgy! You want to know where I am right now? I am with a trembling Georgy right now!" Callie screamed louder. 

Alexander was trying to explain back to her what happened but she wasn't having it. I didn't want this to happen between them. I was falling apart on my couch as she screamed at her brother on the other end of the line. Callie pulled her phone away from her ear and hung up on Alexander. 

Callie came back to the couch and was shaking with Anger. No words were exchanged between us for a couple of minutes. I couldn't wrap my mind around what was happening around me.

He Wants Me (BOOK #2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن