Doggely, Doggely the Dog

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Snowdin bustled with the regular monsters of the town, familiar to the both of them yet contrary to the heightening anxiety that fueled the fiddling of the tall skeleton.

The town wasn't any different than it always had been, unaware of the honor it would have been struck by if it knew who was stepping in time with the monster that was so far below his stature. Papyrus felt his mind wandering to such places as they walked, anxious yet curious at how a place could feel so different with someone in it. His surprisingly sudden self-deprecating thoughts must've accidentally transfered over slightly, his gloved hand getting a squeeze from the other.

"So uh, what's the plan?" Asriel mumbled, his own nerves showing through his frantic avoidance of eye contact with other monsters. "Oh! Uh, I didn't think that far ahead!" Papyrus admitted with another pang of worry, regret seeping into his empty sockets. He'd almost suggested turning around, when a sudden tug on his sleeve brought his attention elsewhere.

"Rus?" A shorter monster spoke up, the familiar sight pulling all his thoughts away for the moment. "LIBRARY BUDDY!" He cheered, both monsters subtly flinching from the sudden uppercase statement. "It's good to see you too pal!" The Rabbit laughed, attention soon turning to the unfamiliar dog monster. "Who's your buddy here, Rus?" She queried, subtly noting the hands that didnt leave the others, despite not being led.

It was a great time for Papyrus to remember how great she was at reading people. It probably came with the job, and knowing her, she might make it a news-worthy story if he's not careful.

"A FRIEND OF MINE! JUST SHOWING HIM-- THE BEST PLACES TO EAT!" He quickly tried to cover, letting go of the others hand as he gestured.
-what are you doing?-

She gave them both a quick and subtle look over, face changing to a knowing smile with bucked teeth afterwards.
"Well, ain't that just dandy! I guess this is whos been keeping you from visiting the library then?" "HEY, I DO OTHER THINGS TOO!" "You're doing him?" She quipped quickly, looking back and forth between them with a masterful reporters glare. "NO, NO, NOT IN ANY WAY!" Papyrus waved his arms madly in a 'no way' fashion, Asriel holding back his own giggles at the brightly coloured cheeks of the other.
"I'm just messin' with you Paps! Sheesh buddy, way to be subtle." She grinned, making her way past as she chuckled to herself in pride, leaving the giggling 'dog' and scoffing skeleton.

"So, you've got more friends than just me?" "SHUT UPP." Papyrus sulked with a huff, shoving his face into his gloved hands.

It wasn't long after that the two found, despite being filled with panic, that nothing was happening. Monsters went on as usual, snow slowly filled the footprints they left, and time continued without pause. Papyrus almost felt apathy for the situation, until his half-souled counterpart let out a hearty chuckle.

"What are you laughing about?" Papyrus asked, seeing the others smile and infecting his own toothy grin. "That-" Asriel coughed through breaths, "-That kid just got hit square in the face!" He huffed loudly, holding his muzzle with his paws in an attempt to quiet himself.
All too late perhaps, as the next flying snowball planted itself into his back, making him stumble forward. "What the-" he turned, ready for a fight, when he saw a small yellow monster loading a catapult with more snow. "Not so funny is it!" Monsterkid shouted triumphantly, smile wide and proud.

Asriel looked from the kid to Papyrus, only recieving a shrug from the skeleton, of whom was holding back a giant smile, and failing.

"If that's how it is, then you're on!" The 'dog' called in a mighty battle cry, shoveling up a ball of snow and tossing it, just barely missing. "Goodluck hitting me, old man!" The dino monster giggled as he sprinted away, Asriel clumsily following as he avoided stepping on his cloak. Papyrus, despite disliking the fact they'd created a scene– 'since when did I care about that?' –couldn't help but laugh from the sidelines, cheering for his friend as he yet again caught nothing but a pile of snow.

"You can step in any moment Papyrus, I won't stop you!" Asriel called from his Asriel-shaped hole in the snow. "BUT YOURE DOING SO WELL! I WOULDNT WANT TO TAKE YOUR SPOTLIGHT AFTER ALL" Papyrus somewhat sarcastically called back, until noticing the ball of white headed straight for his face.
Without thinking, he summoned a large attack, the bone intercepting the snowball at such a speed it left nothing but a poof of snow.

"..wooaaaah" the child guffawed, Asriels focus quickly turning to the skeletons well being.

"Paps? That was a little.. excessive, wasnt it?"

The second of silence almost reminded him of his first moments standing, but just as he was standing to catch the maybe fainting skeleton,


"MAYBE.. ONE SNOWBALL FIGHT, BUT IM ON THE COOLER TEAM!" Echoed above him, peering up to see the giddy Dino sitting on the shoulder of the now surprisingly cocky skeleton. Asriel would work out whatever feelings that gave him later, for now he had a war to win.


"Thanks again Papyrus and his friend!!" Monsterkid cheered, taking hold of the small sled holding his catapult with his mouth and starting his waddle home. The scene he left behind was a battlefield of snow, pits and castles of the powdery substance scattered around the now messy terrain. Asriel and Papyrus lay in the center, utterly exhausted, and sick of the far proximity.

"Let's maybe-" Papyrus panted, "-stay away from war for awhile. Truce?" He held out a tired hand, pinky extended. "Truce" the royal huffed, taking the pinky in his. Huh, his first pinky promise, he couldnt do those before. The small contact gave the two just enough will-power to stand, quickly fixing any askew details in the goats costume. The two were about to plan for the trek home, when a familiar voice bellowed from behind them.

"SO, YOU THINK YOU CAN HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT WITHOUT ME AND GET AWAY WITH IT?" The guard captain called from behind them, Papyrus quickly separating from Asriel as he spun on his heel. "UNDYNE!! ITS BEEN AWHILE" he called, quickly noting the snowball in her armored hand. "YOU CANT ESCAPE THIS ONE BUD, FEEL MY WRAAAATH" She dramatically cried, before winding back her arm as she could. Papyrus knew he only had a second to spare, but the spinning in his head distracted him just long enough that she shot the ball with undoubtedly expert accuracy, heading straight for his ribcage. He braced himself for impact, wincing so much he closed his sockets.

Until it was a second later. And another. And soon, as he peaked out his socket, all he saw was a dark sleeve in front of him. "DUUUDE DID YOU JUST CATCH THAT?" The fish monster shouted, realizing the hassle and jogging over excitedly.

"I.. I guess I did?" Asriel said confusedly, looking at the now sparkle-eyed face of his other half (get it) as he lowered the snow-covered arm. "ASR- UH, MY FRIEND THAT WAS AWESOME!" He cheered, Undyne nodding in agreement. "Hell yeah it was! What's your name Paps friend?" She asked with a toothy smile as she came to a stand, giving him an encouraging, if a little hard, pat on the back.

"My name? M-my name is uh.. Doggely. Doggely the dog." He spat out, Papyrus giving him a large thumbs up from behind the towering captain. "Well, Doggely, how's about you join me and Paps for some training one day! With an arm like that, it'd be criminal to let it go to waste!" "Uh, I mean-" Asriel stuttered, glancing over at Papyrus, who looked just as unsure. "I guess it couldn't hu-" "AWESOME!" Undyne cheered, grabbing both Asriel and Papyrus in each arm. "This is gonna be great! I'll see you guys at my house, same time as always Paps." She affirmed, giving him a small noogie before letting them go.

"SEE YOU THERE!" Papyrus called back, before quickly rubbing his skull with the soft fabric of his gloves. "Dont be a babybones Paps, let's get back before it gets late." "It really hurt!" He defended himself, grin widening as a mischievous idea came to him. "Here, I'll prove it to you, 'Doggely'!" he teasingly mocked, lunging for the goat monster and just barely missing. "What happened to the truce!" Asriel shouted mid step back, lifting his cloak like a dress as he stumbled to a run through the snowy path. "Truce paused while I prove a point!" Papyrus responded between pants, getting closer with every quick step. 'For a half-dead monster, he can really gain some speed' Asriel thought to himself, tripping slightly when he heard the other 'Nyeh heh!' in response. The small mistake gave the skeleton just the in, launching himself at the other and successfully bringing them both to the ground.

1568 words
(Welcome to chapter 13! Boy did this one take awhile, but I hope you guys like it! Thank you to those have been commenting and voting, knowing you guys  actually like this really helps motivate me to keep going<3 happy reading!)

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