Slumber Party

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"Right! Sorry," Papyrus scooted onto the actual mattress, Asriel sitting up from under the almost not-big-enough blanket. "Sheesh, is your brother blind or just stupid?" "Be nice! Maybe you're just a great hider after all! That or, he does maybe need glasses." Papyrus rambled, a hand on his chin in thought. He was interrupted by a 'psht' as Asriel snorted, Papyrus face heating up in 'embarrassment,' though admittely admiring the snicker. In an attempt to occupy his mind, Papyrus' focus traveled across the room to his now tidy desk, half soul drooping.
"I kept it in order, if that's what you're worried about." Asriel chimed, Papyrus sighing in somewhat relief. It didnt take long for him to speak up again, this this time asking, "All that stuff, is that how you..?"
The guilty look from the skeleton monster answered the question before he could say a word. "Well, it sounded neat, what I could understand that is," he said, leaning further into the pillow underneath him. He'd have time to learn about it later, he decided, for right now, he was exhausted.

Then came the realization he hadn't slept in a real bed in a decade, and just the thought of it made his eyelids droop slightly. Papyrus, lost in thought, stared at the now sleepy royal, only pulled back to reality as a yawn escaped his toothy muzzle. "You're probably so tired!" He chirped, "Just wait here, I'll grab my sleepover bed." His eyes sparkled, almost stumbling out of the bed and into the closet connected to his room. It only took one worrying crashing noise before he emerged once more, what looked like a thick yoga mat and extra blanket and pillow in his still weak arms.
Asriel held back a groan at the sight of the 'bed', though quickly shut up as Papyrus carefully put it together, blanket perfectly folded, and pillow fluffed. "There's my bed! you can, of course, have my extra cool one tonight." he spoke matter of factly, noting the smile on the others face as he said it. It was strange seeing him smile so truly, he could get used to that. "Last but not least, pj's!" He almost cheered, though quickly quieting himself as his voice made his ribs ache. "Pj's?" Asriel questioned, looking down at the dirty, slightly blood-stained purple robe he was wearing. "Can't be worse than this, I guess. Have any my size?" He tiredly turned his body to sit on the edge of the bed, Papyrus looking him up and down as cogs turned in his mind. He assumed this would be interesting, though most of Papyrus was interesting to him. "I should have something, just a moment!" He called, again, returned to the closet, with a comforting lack of crashing following.

He emerged with arms full once again, two pairs of clothes in each arm. "Tell me if any of this doesn't fit, of course." he added quickly, passing a pair of black pants and a mixed holiday sweater towards Asriel. He didn't have much time to question the sweater before his focus was on the skeleton, scarf now gone and fiddling with his shoulder balls. "Hey jeez, give a goat a warning before you strip," he teased, Papyrus turning his now brightly colored face towards him. "Sorry, sorry! I'll turn away, but no peeking." he somewhat grumbled, finally able to get the scuffed shoulders removed.
Asriel followed his directions promptly, turning away as he stood to change into the clothes. He slightly wondered why Papyrus had such baggy clothes, having only seen him in the costume-esc clothing for as long as he can remember. Other than, of course, during some holidays, where he wore strange sweaters similar to the one he held in front of him. 'Merry Thanks-ween!' Stared back in bright lettering, a tree decorated with pumpkins and food items just underneath. Sure, he'd been gone for a long while, but surely he'd not missed the unholy mashing of so many beloved holidays.
His head turned slightly to ask about the amalgamation, though he cursed himself as he barely processed the sight of a pale white spine facing his direction. Papyrus's spine, unscarred and smooth, something he'd broken so many times before out of a souless boredom. He prayed Papyrus didn't notice the glance, trying to shake the image of his best friend out of his mind (for a few reasons).

In a quick attempt to distract his thoughts, Asriel finally changed into the pants, taking one last read of the sweater before attempting to slip it over his head.
'Huh, it got stuck,' he mindlessly thought to himself, trying again to fit it over.
Then, in a mistaken attempt to pull it on, he froze at the sound of yarn being pulled apart. "Did you-?" "Yes." He cut the skeleton off, hanging his covered head in shame. He ignored the muted snickering of the skeleton, finally unlooping it from his horns getting it to his neck and seeing the place where it had stretched the material, cringing at the damage. "Can I see it?" Papyrus asked from behind him, Asriel turning with his ears drooped and embarrassment plain on his face. It only took one look for Papyrus to cringe as well, though far less, for the others' sake. "Oh well, that holiday was canceled anyways, something about day mix-ups." he comforted cheerily, the worried knot in the other calming somewhat. He got a look at the skeletons jammies, a pair of bright shorts, and a tank top stating "sleepy guy," both expected for a skeleton like him, and held back a giggle at the predictable outfit.

He only looked away once he realized he'd been staring for a second two long, the other clearing his 'throat' awkwardly, and regretting the pain that came after. "I do have an alarm for the morning, we can try and figure things out tomorrow, but until then," he looked towards his bed and action figures, the silence of the sleeping underground only fueling the awkward scene, "I suppose we should try and get some rest?" "Huh? Oh, right, yeah, that sounds good to me." they nodded, getting into their respective spots. Asriel couldn't deny, even despite the day, he was so exhausted he could fall asleep still standing. His first day alive again, and now his first full nights sleep alive. He would be lying if he said he wasn't ready for it.

However, the same couldn't be said for his skeletal friend.

Papyrus tossed and turned on the thin foam of the mat he layed on, pillow only slightly aiding his already aching joints and sockets. He really should have looked further into the aftermath, he'd only read of the potential for dusting for so long that he'd forgotten the possibility of so much discomfort. He could only fear what other side effects may occur, the spinning of his head despite being stationary not helping as his partial soul beat in his ribcage. Eventually, through the shifting of fabric and clicking of bones, he heard the other shift in the blankets. Peeking up, yes, Asriel was indeed fast asleep. The fallen prince of the underground, his best friend, was fast asleep and, admittedly snoring, in his bed.

He tried to shake the recurring unfamiliar thoughts from his mind, but the clacking of movement made the other stir with a groan. "yer' being loud Paps, just cmere'" he sleepily gestured, the skeleton confusedly staring back at the motion. -Papyrus I swear to- he could almost hear the other complain, before wisely making his way to the bedside.
He couldn't lose the strangely nervous feeling as he pondered what to do, but his options were quickly removed as the royal grabbed him by the arm, pulling him into the warm blankets with a nicely cushioned landing.

He was now in the same bed as his best friend.

He almost let his thoughts travel when the realization that his dizziness had finally gone fell upon him, his aches suddenly very comfy in the soft mattress. Now his eyes grew droopy, his bones getting used to the warmth of someone with fur laying beside him, the closeness hardly a bother as long his skull stopped pounding. 'Ive done so many sleepovers with Undyne and never felt any different, why should this be?' He thought as his mind drifted, slowly falling into comfortable sleep.

Though, he didn't get butterflies with Undyne, and hadn't given her half his soul.

1465 words

(Welcome to chapter 7!! I really enjoyed this one, lots of fluff and, perhaps, just a little tension. This is one of my first really fluffy fics, so if you have any tips, feel free to comment! Happy reading, folks)

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