One Day

89 2 6

- Deathbringer

Everything is foggy. My ears are ringing. But I feel no pain. My hand reaches to my stomach, no blood.

Did I imagine that all happening?

I look around. I am in a completely white room. Usually I would be panicked, but right now I feel fine.

I stand up slowly. Someone appears.

"Hello Deathbringer." he says. "Hi? Have we met?" I ask. He smiles and shakes his head. "No, but I know you." he says.

I nod slowly. "Mind if I ask how?" I question. He smiles again.

"Deathbringer, everyone is assigned to someone to watch them throughout their life. I was assigned to you." he explains.

"Like a guardian angel?" I ask. He nods. "Except I am no angel." he says.

I look around at the white room.

"Am I dead?" I whisper. I look at the man. "I'm afraid so." he sighs.

I look down.

So this is what it's like to be dead.

"I died a long time ago, after a while, you will be assigned to someone. Someone to watch over and protect. Not yet though." he explains.

"Some people out there don't have good watchers. Which is why they don't live healthy and happy lives." he explains.

"Sounds like you are one of them if I am here." I say. "I cannot stop you from making choices. Only can I influence them. Like a deep down I know this isn't right kind of feeling. I wasn't even aware of your decision until you were already dying." he snaps.

I wince. "My name is Leaf by the way." he says. I nod.

"So why am I not assigned someone right away?" I ask. Leaf sighs.

"You have people you care about still alive. Everyone gets to watch over them until they join you." he whispers.

I look at him immediately. "How long has it been since I died? Are they ok? When can I see them?" I ask.

I nods. "For them it's been 5 years. They are ok, but you certainly missed some things. You can see them soon." Leaf tells me.

I sigh and nod. "Just before you do see them. Don't be regretful. Without your actions they couldn't get to where they are now." Leaf says.

Suddenly I am in an unfamiliar house: I hear squeals of children.

It's like I'm actually in the house, with Leaf beside me. I walk through the house and see Moon.

She looks older, more mature. But still young. She is almost 25. Moon smiles as Qibli's enters the room.

He looks older too. But both look so happy and peaceful. Moon kisses him lightly on the lips.

Note: This is not the same day as the last chapter. Its a three months before that.

I smile at them. I'm glad they can finally be happy.

Next I see a little girl run into the room. She has dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes. Tan skin like Qibli.

"Mommy daddy come look what I made!" she squeals happily pulling Moon and Qibli outside. My heart warms.

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