RM - I'm fucking Lonley

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You hadn't seen Namjoon in a while, he had been away on tour and was busy working most of the time.

He was due back any day now, and you were excited for his return, as you had been worried about him for a while.

Some of the songs on his indigo album made you worry about how he dealt with being away on tour.

You knew it could get lonley, on his own in a hotel room without you, and you knew he missed you a lot.

But he didn't always reach out when he felt sad, so you were anxious to have your boyfriend home for some well needed rest and relaxation with you, time for him to decompress and spend the time with you he so desperately craved.

The boys had an entire month of rest after the tour, and they all had various plans with friends and family as well as some personal rest and relaxation.

You and Namjoon also had plans with his friends and family, but the first week was purely for the two of you.

You had everything ready at home, bed made super comfy with extra cushions, plenty of snacks, drinks and food so you didn't have to go out if he didn't want, basically everything you could want to relax after months on the road.

Namjoon came home at around midday, looking like he had been through a meat grinder and then a hurricane.

"Baby?" He said softly, you could hear the tiredness in his voice as you came to greet him, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

"Welcome home Joonie..." you mumbled, smiling when Namjoons arms wrapped around you, burying his face into your neck he let out a deep sigh, like he had been holding something back.

When he pulled away you smiled at him, fluffing his hair with your hand and taking his bags for him, "go jump in the shower, I put out some skincare for you because you need to stay on your routine, then come downstairs and we can cuddle and watch a movie?" You suggested, smiling at him again and giggling when he hugged you tightly, a big smile on his face.

"This is why I love you, I'm so happy I'm back, I missed this..." he mumbled, kissing your cheek before shuffling off to the shower.

You blushed, touching your cheek gently before getting to work.

You opened all his bags, taking out any dirty clothes and putting them in to wash, cleaning out his cases and bags and hanging them up to dry.

You put the rest of his stuff away, putting his phone and any other devices on charge and back in their proper places.

You then made your way downstairs and set up the living room for a cozy evening.

Plenty of cushions and blankets on the sofa, snacks and drinks on the table, a simple soft movie queued up on the TV.

You were just making some hot tea for your boyfriend when he came back downstairs, only in sweatpants with messy hair.

You eyed him up and down, blowing some air out of your mouth as it appeared the room had heated up concerningly fast.

"What?" He mumbled, fluffing his hair with his hand and yawning, shuffling over to you and nearly hitting his hip on the kitchen island before sitting down next to you.

You shrugged, clambering onto his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck, smiling at him, "you look hot" you said.

Poor Namjoon choked on air, trying to recover himself before resting his hands on your hips.

"Stop, don't say that..." he mumbled, embarrassed as always when he was complimented, you thought it was cute though.

The members always praised him and it made him so shy, contrary to his appearance he was just a big softy.

You felt the muscles on one of his arms with your hand, it was rock solid and you giggled as he smiled shyly, his other hand covering his face.

"You're so handsome, I'm so lucky..." you mumbled, moving his hand and cupping his face to kiss the tip of his nose.

When you pulled away, he gripped your chin gently so you looked at him, "I can't believe I haven't kissed you yet..." he mumbled, shaking his head, realising the whole time he had been back he hadn't even given you a proper kiss.

You smiled, "that's ok Joonie, I'm gonna kiss you, cuz you're tired, so you can just relax, ok?" You said, cupping his face and beginning to press kisses around his face.

He smiled softly, just letting you kiss him, closing his eyes and letting his hands caress your hips softly. He had felt so lonely on tour, even though he was surrounded by his members and thousands of fans, he felt lonely.

Not being able to see you or be with you for months on end, even the FaceTiming didn't help, he just missed you so much.

He opened his eyes to see you looking at him sadly, he was confused, before you wiped a few of the tears from his cheeks.

"Oh..." he mumbled, unsure of what to say, you smiled, "I missed you too Joonie..." you mumbled, before pressing your lips on his.

Namjoon smiled, and you smiled too, you had missed eachother a lot and now he was finally back he could let his emotions out freely and know he wouldn't be judged.

"No more sad, ok baby? We're gonna watch a movie, eat snacks, and have cuddles" you said as Namjoon nodded with determination, he was gonna have a chill night, with his girlfriend, and not be sad anymore.

You pressed play on the movie, and grabbed a bag of chips that were on the table, opening them and offering him the bag.

You both ate snacks and watched movies, ordering teokkbeokki later in the evening for dinner before cuddling up in bed together to fall asleep.

Namjoon kissed your forehead before laying down next to you, happy to be back with the person he loved the most...

A/N: Can u guys see the pics I put at the top of these cuz they disappear for me but I wanna know if u guys can see them cuz if u can't that's really annoying and idk wtf is wrong with Wattpad honestly anyone enjoy this it's nice and long.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books! Backup acc: hoseokkphile

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