BTS - Love Letters

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Tears were running down Jungkooks face as he watched a video he had seen posted on Weverse.

He had discovered ARMY had made a song for BTS, and he finally managed to sit down and watch it.

He was loudly sobbing, always the emotional type and he was so touched by the video the fans had made for them, he felt so loved.

He was lying down on the bed crying while the song played on repeat when he was interrupted by a text on his phone.

He picked it up, still sobbing, and saw a message from Jimin that he was outside his door waiting.

Jungkook had forgotten he invited Jimin over for a sleepover (basically so he could sleep on him).

He reluctantly shuffled to the door, and as soon as he opened it and saw his hyung he burst into loud ugly sobs.

"Kook-ah what's wrong?" Jimin was taken by surprise and immediately took the crying boy into his arms as he shuffled them into the house and pushed the door closed with his foot.

He shuffled them to the sofa, sitting down and letting Jungkook bury himself in his lap as he continued to cry.

"Baby what happened? Talk to hyung..." he mumbled, kissing Jungkooks forehead and rocking him back and forth gently to soothe him.

Jungkook couldn't speak, but he grabbed his phone and handed it to Jimin, who saw the video that was still on the screen.

He watched it with a soft smile, realising why their baby maknae was so emotional.

"Oh Kook, you're so cute..." he mumbled, hugging Jungkook tightly as he burst into tears again.

Jimin grabbed his own phone and sent a text to the group chat, adding a picture of a crying Jungkook on his lap because he thought it was cute and he figured it would make the rest of the group hurry up and help comfort their baby.

Within 20 minutes the 5 other members were at the door with various snacks and drinks for a group sleepover to make their baby feel better.

"Jungkookie baby, hyung has to open the door, hyungs are here for you" Jimin said with a smile, Jungkook slid off him and onto the sofa with a huff, just burying his face into some cushions and turning on his stomach to hide.

Jimin got up and went to the door, and as soon as he opened it Jin rushed past him.

"Where's my baby??" He ran into the living room and saw Jungkook on the sofa, turned on his side to see who ran in.

When he saw Jin his face crumpled and he burst into tears again, Jin rushed over and cradled him gently as the others made their way in, Yoongi fluffing Jungkooks hair before sitting down next to them.

Once everyone was settled and some soft music was put on, drinks were handed out as the baby was passed around all the members for cuddles.

They all watched the video Jungkook had seen and they understood why he was so upset, even a few of them got teary eyed, but their maknae had always been particularly sensitive.

They all watched the video Jungkook had seen and they understood why he was so upset, even a few of them got teary eyed, but their maknae had always been particularly sensitive

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Jungkook was now on Taehyungs lap, and had been for the last 30 minutes, playing with one of his hands.

Jungkook then apparently decided he wanted to be on someone else's lap, and started to fidget.

Jin leaned over, "what's up baby?" he mumbled, stroking Jungkooks hair encouragingly.

"'oongi 'yung..." he mumbled, blush rising on his cheeks which made the others chuckle.

"What's that love?" Jimin said, sat on their other side, "want Yoongi hyung..." Jungkook said again, slightly louder but still barely audible.

Jin smiled, knowing what their baby wanted "you want Yoongi baby?" Jungkook nodded, and Jin cleared his throat just as Hoseok managed to put his fingers in his ears.

"YOONGI-YA! THE BABY WANTS CUDDLES!!" Jin screamed at the top of his lungs to get Yoongis attention, startling poor Namjoon who was sitting next to him staring into space.

"Why me?" Yoongi mumbled, shuffling back into the room after going to the bathroom and slumping onto a beanbag.

Jin smiled as Jungkook struggled off Taehyungs lap, much to the olders dismay, as fast as he could and made a beeline for Yoongi.

"He asked for you Yoongi-ah..." Jin mumbled, fond smiles on all their faces as they watched Yoongi open his arms for the baby to straddle his lap and snuggle into him.

Yoongi shot a death glare at the others, who all looked away as the soft smile came back as he rubbed Jungkooks back and kissed his head.

Hoseok had just managed to run as he snapped a picture, locking himself in the bathroom as the others laughed and Yoongi just sat there looking annoyed as hell.

But when Jungkook gazed up at him lovingly he forgot all about it, nuzzling his baby's nose and guiding his face back into his neck for snuggles.

Hoseok eventually emerged, and sat as far away from Yoongi as possible, and as much as Yoongi wanted to MURDER him, he would never remove the baby from his lap and upset him.

So he sat with Jungkook, the entire rest of the night as they chatted, drank, ate and watched movies, a much needed break after all the hard work they had been doing.

They all slept in Jungkooks rather large bed, Jungkook deciding to snuggle up to Namjoon and kiss his cheek to embarrass him.

Jimin snickered from where he was laying down, and Namjoon reached back a hand to smack him.

Jungkook let out a soft huff, and Namjoon wrapped his arms around him as Jungkook mumbled something that made them all clutch their hearts and smile wide.

"Love BTS..."

A/N: Guess who! That's right I am starting my second soft Oneshots book!!! Starting off strong with a nice group imagine inspired by Jungkooks reacting to the ARMY song for BTS 'Love Letters' it's a beautiful song and you should definitely listen to it, Jungkook cried when he did hah.

Anyways, this is the start of a whole knew book! so much to look forward too as well as the continuation of my other Oneshots books and my series! Make sure you FOLLOW ME for updates!

Thanks for reading <3
Backup account: hoseokkphile

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