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★˚⋆ GIORNO HAD TAKEN BRUNO'S OLD ROOM, so you drifted to the galley to get away from everyone. You wanted to sleep, but after closing your eyes and watching dark swirls on the back of your eyelids, you realized that wouldn't be possible.

The Stand Arrow had to get to Zero. There could be no compromise on that. You didn't know what it was, but a part of you felt like it would fall apart if that wasn't the case. You had already struggled, lost, done so much. For all of that to go to waste was unthinkable. You didn't care who it was, if anyone went against you on that, you wouldn't hesitate to hurt them.

Your chest throbbed now with the want.

Get the Arrow to Zero.

Get the Arrow to Zero.

Don't wait. Don't let anyone get in your way.

All you wanted was to stab Chariot Requiem in the neck and get the Arrow. It didn't matter that you were in Bruno's body. It didn't matter that Narancia was in danger or that Fugo had betrayed you. Zero needed the Arrow and you had to get to him.

There was no choice.

You had to do all of this by yourself. You couldn't wait anymore. The minute Zero made contact with you, you would just grab the Arrow and run to him.

You rested your head on the cool metal of the table.

What is wrong with me? Why am I thinking like this? This was supposed to be simple.

That was a lie. You knew as soon as you thought it. No matter what Zero could have asked you to steal, you would've done it. Maybe not for the money, but just to prove that you could.

You felt weak and pathetic. None of this was going the way it was supposed to. You had never thought there would come a time when you felt like you were incapable of doing something.

What if there's no way to reverse Chariot Requiem's ability? What if we're stuck like this forever?

It wouldn't be too bad for you. Bruno's body was an excellent one to get trapped in. It was Bruno who would be struggling in yours.

Maybe when you got back to your body, it wouldn't feel like yours anymore. It would feel alien. Like a sock you hadn't seen in forever and realized you don't want to wear anymore.

"Bruno? Do you mind if I talk to you?"

A jolt of alarm knifed your chest. You looked up to see Fugo walking into the galley and settling into the seat opposite you. This would be the first time you had to talk to someone as Bruno himself. And to the most perceptive, astute member of Passione, no less.

"What's wrong?" you asked. You hoped you were manifesting Bruno properly, his gentle concern, his pragmatism, his lack of judgement. If anyone would be able to tell you weren't Bruno, he was sitting in front of you.

Fugo shoved a few strands of Abbacchio's hair behind his ear, clearly unused to the length. "How are you holding up?" Fugo said, and you thought it was nice of him to ask. "This a lot, especially considering you just came back."

You leaned back in your seat. "I'm dealing with it as well as anyone. Then again, I have it easy since I'm still in my body."

"I still don't understand that. You and the Captain were still in the ship. You mean to tell me Chariot Requiem can switch the souls of a human and an animal but not two people a few feet away? Not to mention when you were both right next to it."

KISMET ─  vento aureo.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin