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★˚⋆ YOU ALMOST DIDN'T CATCH FUGO'S voice under the din of the casino. "You know, I really don't know why an old man would be spending his time on Laius when he could literally be anywhere else in the galaxy."

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

Fugo wrinkled his nose. "Do I have to elaborate? Just look at this place. I'd have already died of multiple cardiac arrests if I was him."

As he said this, a floating tray of alcohol nearly slammed into him. Fugo scowled, stepping aside as a gaggle of brightly dressed girls descended upon the tray. Their faces were done up in bright, neon makeup that shifted as though they were holograms, and scrolling words and phrases ran up the sides of their shorts and tops. They lifted their drinks in your direction.

"Just got here, Captain?" one of them said, her voice nearly swallowed by the thumping bass. "Need some help getting around?"

You smiled lazily. "Maybe. Got the time?"

Beside you, Fugo shot you a look. The group of girls split off, pairing themselves with your crew. Mista wasted no time slinging his arm over a curvy blonde, flicking his fingers in your direction as the two of them disappeared into the casino. You had already lost sight of Trish a while back and Fugo shrugged off the girl heading towards him to scope out the place on his own.

"He's coming with me," you said, before the girl with cornrows could drag JoJo away. "He can be a bit flighty. Don't want him getting lost."

"Suit yourself. We'll be by the bar if you get bored," she said, her voice a purr as she brushed by you. Discreetly, you led JoJo to the far end of the casino where the escalators were.

"You doing alright?" you asked.

"Just a little overwhelmed," he said. His green eyes were wide, hardly settling on one thing before they alighted on another.

"Try not to look so amazed," you said wryly. "They'll wring you out dry if they know it's your first time here."

"Right. Sorry."

"Keep your eyes peeled. The sooner we find Pericolo, the better. It looks like a gambler's paradise here, but there's only so much excess you can take."

JoJo nodded, sobering slightly. He followed close behind as you took the escalators to the second floor, where wisps of smoke and strobes of green and blue light cascaded over the glass railings.

The silvery-blue windbreaker Trish had outfitted JoJo in filled him out a little. With Zero's funds, Trish had gone out to find new clothes for the crew to blend in with baggy, neon-coloured trends on Laius. Coco had insisted chances of success rose exponentially with all of your crew at the casino, however Narancia had begged you to bow out, claiming he was in need of some mysterious pilot tweaks. You didn't know what that meant, but you allowed him to go, thinking of his irritated eye. You didn't know how qualified the doctors on Laius were, but as long as he was getting his eye checked out, you were relieved.

As you got off the escalator, you had to take a moment to reorient yourself. Between the riotous clothing and flashing slots and hovering cards and chips, it felt like you were being overstimulated. It hurt your eyes seeing everything at once and there wasn't even a pocket of calm you could take a break in. You had only been in this casino for a few minutes, but already, you felt your stamina flagging. You were getting too old to be in places like this. Maybe Fugo was right. How the hell was Pericolo spending his time here?

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