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★˚⋆ WHAT THE FLACK IS GOING on here? you nearly said before you remembered that you were currently in Bruno's body and Bruno didn't say things like that. You forced yourself to tamp down on your alarm and reached for your composure.

"Abbacchio," you said. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not Abbacchio. That's Abbacchio," he tipped his chin at Fugo's prone form. "I'm Fugo. We switched souls somehow. It must have been a Stand attack."

You heard everyone crowd onto the bridge. There were a few gasps and hissed swears.

"What the flack happened here?" Mista snapped, except the effect it had in Trish's voice nearly made you snort.

"What's wrong with Fugo?" Trish asked, rushing over to him.

"Did you guys have a shoot-out here or something?" Narancia asked, surveying the damage with his hands on his hips.

"Explain yourself," Bruno said to Fugo, using the exact mix of steel and exasperation you would have.

Fugo sighed, wiping his hands on his pants. It was only then that you noticed he had been crouched over Abbacchio to apply a healing patch to his forehead. "We went briefly unconscious a little while ago. Abbacchio and I woke up at the same time and encountered each other on the bridge. Needless to say, seeing each other in our own bodies caused some alarm. We both assumed it was some kind of Stand attack and started shooting at each other. I managed to clip Abbacchio over the temple. It wasn't until we started talking that we realized what was happening."

"You shot Abbacchio?" Narancia said. "How'd you manage that? Your aim is shit."

"He wouldn't have gotten me if having our bodies switched didn't throw me off," Abbacchio grumbled from the ground.

"That's a lot of blood, are you sure he's going to be alright?" Trish asked.

"It's just a scratch," Fugo said, frowning. "You're awfully concerned for once, Mista."

"The Stand attack affected a few other people too," you said. You pointed out who everyone was, surprising yourself when you managed to keep all of the switched identities straight.

"Wait, who are you?" Narancia said, squinting at Trish. "JoJo?"

"I'm JoJo," JoJo piped up. "That's Abbacchio."

"Abbacchio's the one who got shot," Abbacchio said flatly, still on the ground. "That's Narancia."

"But I'm Narancia!"

"I'm Mista, flackbag."

"But I thought JoJo was Mista!"

"I thought JoJo was Trish."

"Trish isn't JoJo?"

"You're all confusing yourselves for nothing," Bruno said. "We've all been paired off. Whichever person's body you're in, they're currently in yours. Just remember that."

Narancia scratched his head. "Great, now I'm confused. Who am I again?"

"What about the two of you?" Fugo said, looking between you and Bruno. "Did you switch?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out," you said. "The Captain and I went unconscious but we didn't switch souls. We might not have been in range."

"Which reminds me. We still have to check on Polnareff," Bruno said.

Mista scoffed. "What's there to worry about? If we're all paired up, there's no one Polnareff could have switched with. He didn't switch with the Captain or Bruno. He should be fine."

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