*** BOOK TWO ***

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Basically... james has a speech impediment and Steve helps him by doing all sorts of kinky shit. Turns out James is just a practical learner.

Its early 1800s and James is king. Except... the people have never heard him speak. During ceremonies he just stands there and waves. He's young, only nineteen, so maybe he's still learning how to be a good Ruler. Or maybe theres something else going on.
Only people close to the king know that he suffers from a sever speech impediment. He cannot speak without stuttering or slurring his words. So his mother keeps him locked away and does his duties for him. Until the people start questioning it.
So to 'fix' him she hires a therapist to help him speak properly. And even though he's older, they both can't stop the feeling of attraction.
Neither of them act on it until one day when Steve realises James hasn't made any progress. So he tries a different approach...

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