Chapter Two:

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"Phoenix, why are you here?" he asked suddenly, pulling me out of my reverie.

I couldn't help but look him over-more than once. I had no idea what it was about him that had me starstruck, whether it was his appearance or the way his words had an unexpected effect on me.

"Maddox, you still have that extra bedroom, right?" Phoenix inquired.

It wasn't a second before he caught on to the reason for his brother's sudden appearance.

I could see the annoyance flash across Maddox's face as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, and eyes rolling while he waited for Phoenix to continue. "Yeah," he grumbled.

"well, you see... i was hoping you could let my friend here stay with you." phoenix explains.

Maddox rolled his eyes again and swung the door open fully, gesturing for us to come in. He sauntered off, and we trailed after him into the kitchen.

The kitchen wasn't massive, but it had this classy vibe-a far cry from the no-kitchen situation in my old dorm. It was just right, not too cramped. The countertops were sleek, offering enough room for cooking without feeling crowded. The cabinets were tidy, holding everything I needed in a neat setup.

The fridge wasn't huge, but it was way better than my tiny old one. And the stove, while not flashy, seemed pretty reliable.

There was this cozy table by the window that caught the sunlight perfectly. It felt like a spot for easy meals or cozy chats. This kitchen might not be grand, but it had a touch of sophistication that felt like a step up from my old place."

Grabbing a water from the fridge, Maddox turned to face us. "So, why do you need a place to stay?" he asked me.

I met his gaze, unflinching. "My roommate kicked me out," I stated plainly.

He nodded. "Why?" he pressed further.

I continued to stare back at him, not bothering to give him the answer.

After a moment, he seemed to catch on and moved on, "Why do you want to crash here?" he asked, sounding a bit nosy.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes, "I don't. I just need somewhere to stay," I admitted plainly.

"So it has nothing to do with me?" he smirked.

Seriously? Could this guy be any more self-centered? There was no way this guy could be this cocky or arrogant to think that all I wanted was to live in close proximity to him.

I may have been attracted to him at first glance, but it was quickly wearing off the more he spoke.

"Maddox!" Phoenix shouted from behind me, obviously irritated by his brother's insinuation.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea," I muttered, turning to Phoenix.

He nodded, understanding but also disappointed.

He turned to give his brother an angry look and shook his head before turning around with my bags still in his hands.

"I guess you didn't find what you were looking for," Maddox quipped from behind me.

I faced him, irritation mounting. "For your information, I wasn't looking for anything except a place to stay. But if your smart remarks and arrogant attitude are anything to go off of... at first impression, then I think I'm better off sleeping outside," I retorted, meeting his surprised expression.

Phoenix's laughter echoed behind me, and a smirk found its way onto my face.

Maddox's annoyed look softened into a smile as he glanced at Phoenix. "Where'd you find this girl, P?"

I was starting to think this guy was made up of quick quips, irritating remarks, nosy questions.

I turned to Phoenix in time to hear him reply, "She works with me at the pizza place down the road."

I look back to catch Maddox nod. "So, where are you from?" he questioned, looking back over at me.

I didn't stop myself this time from rolling my eyes at him. "Why does that matter to you? I'm not interviewing for a job, am I?" I quickly quipped back at him. "I'm just asking for a place to stay for the night, or was anyway," I told him.

He raised his hands in mock surrender. "Sorry, Your Majesty," he quipped before turning serious. "But really, if you need somewhere, you can stay here."

Now I understood what Phoenix meant earlier by saying he was 'difficult.'

But I wouldn't call Maddox difficult; I'd call him... lonely.

Maybe I was losing my mind. I barely knew this guy, and here I was acting like I understood him.

I mean, I hadn't even known who this guy was before today.

"Wait, are you serious?!" Phoenix's surprise was evident.

Maddox nodded. "Yeah. I like her... spunk."

I rolled my eyes at his words. "Ha ha," I replied sarcastically.

"See? Spunk," he chuckled, wrapping an arm around me and spinning me toward Phoenix.

I rolled my eyes at his words. "Ha ha," I replied sarcastically.

"See? Spunk," he chuckled, wrapping an arm around me and spinning me toward Phoenix.

He had now put all of my bags down on the ground next to him.

"We'll be great roommates," he said, sarcastically.

Oddly, it seemed to reassure Phoenix.

"Okay, great!" he said excitedly. "Do you need help unpacking, or do you want me to show you to your room?" Phoenix asked me.

It confused me that Phoenix was offering to show me to the room when this wasn't even his place. But I guess it was his brother's place, so he probably knew it like the back of his hand.

I waved him off. "No, I'll be fine." At least I hoped I would be.

I would gladly stay anywhere else if the opportunity had arisen, but this had been my only option, and I wasn't about to force myself onto someone else's couch.

"Okay. You have my number, so call me if you need anything," he said before leaving.

I slapped his arm away from me, grabbed my bags, and turned back around to see Maddox quickly look up.

He had totally been checking me out.

I internally blushed at the thought but didn't let myself think twice about it before I asked, "So... where's the room?"

He looked at me for a second longer before turning around and walking away.

Was I supposed to follow him?

I didn't think twice about it before following after him.

It seemed like his legs were twice as long as mine as I tried to follow after him while simultaneously trying to hold onto my luggage, without any help from him.

I followed him to the end of the hallway off the stairs, leading us to three doors.

One door straight ahead and a door on each side.

He pointed to the door to the right. "This is the bathroom, yours," Did this guy speak English?

Or was he always like this?

He pointed to the door straight ahead before speaking again. "This is my room. Knock," he said before pointing at the last door, to my right. "This will be your room," he finished.

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