28. Sal

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            The whoosh of the Floo flames pulls my attention towards the entrance of the room. "I was hoping you understood what I meant," Sebastian greets. He's still in his pajamas as he enters the room, but he's got a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Moving in?" I jest.

He drops the bag on the couch as he approaches me. "Is that an invitation?" My face flushes at the thought of sharing everything, including a bed, with Sebastian on a regular basis. I know many couples tend to wed not long after graduating Hogwarts. We start our careers and our lives a bit younger in the wizarding world than muggles do. So, having a home and a life with him in less than two years is entirely plausible. "I know that face. Where did those pretty little thoughts go?" My attention returns to Sebastian as he brings my body closer to his. He gently tucks my hair behind my ear, letting his hand come to a rest on the side of my neck.

"To you, really." I return his contact with my arms around his neck. "It just made me think...my parents were freshly graduated when they wed. Mum was only eighteen. That's barely a year away for us." My gaze falls to my fingers as they toy with the collar of his pajama top.

His face softens in realization. "Allie." He lifts my gaze with a thumb under my chin. "I love you, and one day, I would be the luckiest man to get to call you my wife. However, I'm not expecting that out of you, and certainly not in a year. You know that, right?"

"To be honest, I never really considered it," I admit softly, almost shamefully. I can see momentary hurt flash across Sebastian's eyes, and it urges me to elaborate. "Marriage has never crossed my mind. Not to anyone. Though, I have found myself considering a future beyond Hogwarts with you, and only you." I let out a shaky breath. "And it terrifies me on so many levels to care for someone so greatly when I could be the cause of their demise. I could lose you, and I wouldn't know what to do. I'd never forgive myself."

"I'm not going anywhere, love. I swear it. If I shall perish, I'll haunt you as a ghost."

I snort with laughter before burying my face against his chest. "I think I wouldn't mind being your wife one day." His arms wind tightly around me, and his head rests against mine. We relish in our confessions for a long moment, the recent depth of our relationship finally sinking in. "Seb?"

He hums in response, lifting his head as I lean back to look up at him. The warmth in his eyes nearly turns me into a puddle as I gaze up at him. The Room must know exactly what I want from him when it begins crumbling away behind me and expanding the alcove opposite our potions room into what looks like a bedroom. Sebastian glances past me, then down to me, then back at the room. His arms fall from my sides to grip one hand, press a kiss to it, and pull me towards the new addition to my Room of Requirement.

I take a moment as soon as we breach the threshold into the room to take it in. There's a double four poster bed backed against the wall, a fireplace in the far corner, and dim candles scattered across various surfaces. Sebastian catches me by surprise when he scoops me into his arms and carries me towards the bed. He lays me down gently before crawling atop. His lips lower onto mine in an initially chaste kiss, but I grip his collar and pull him back for more.

"I don't want to wait any longer, Sebastian," I breathe. "Make me yours."

He groans as his lips trail down my neck to the collar of my blouse. "I have dreamt of the day you said those words to me." He nearly rips my blouse open in eagerness, then moves to pepper the scars that mar my chest with adoration. His hands deftly maneuver my chemise off my body with my blouse, allowing him a full, uninterrupted look at what lies before him. He leans back until he's straddling my lap and sitting back on his heels. "Allie, you are so goddamn beautiful."

Courting Darkness | Sebastian SallowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz