"It gets worse and worse everyday?" He reiterated

"That don't make no sense, Onyx." He added

"How? How doesn't it!? I'm expressing my unhappiness and how unfulfilled I am in this relationship and you're dismissing it." I replied

"It just don't make sense because if you was unhappy you could been told me this and I could've work on the things for my soon-to-be wife." He crossed his arms

"It's not soon to be shit, I already told you I don't want to be in this relationship, engagement, none of that."

He squinted at me, crossing his arms tighter. "Why?" He questioned

"Because you're not making me happy, you leave the house too often, like that's suspicious." I started on my lists of reasons

"Nigga, I fuckin' work? And I'm on the phone with you all day when I'm working, even if I can't talk, so what you mean?" He looked at me like I was slow

"And you're not pulling your weight."

"How?" He asked

"Because I always gotta get up at night and you don't." I said

"Because you breastfeed and we don't know if she's hungry or not, if she not then I be taking her. And if I ain't pulling my weight, what you think gonna happen when you leave and on your own? You gonna be doing more work than before, I hope you know that right." He tilted his head at me and I shrugged

"That's better than having to clean up after two kids." I said and he raised his eyebrows

"Who the second kid? Not me." He scoffed

"Yes, it's you and your damn dogs so like four damn kids!" I raised my voice

"We both clean up around the house all the time, you not the only one doing it like it's the 1970's."

"I really am though and that's just sad to me because like wow, I'm supposed to be engaged and he's not doing shit." I shook my head in fake disbelief

"I don't do shit?" He looked at me in real disbelief

"Uh yeah, that's what I just said." I rolled my eyes

"I take care of our baby with you, I help you around the house, I help you, rubbing your ugly ass feet and yo' back, I be helping you clean up around your work area, and I pay for everything. You don't even have to work, I pay the bills, pay for the groceries, utilities, essentials, and everything else, even the shit you don't need and I still pay for it because you want it. I don't do shit though." He clocked my tea

"Yes, you don't do shit! You just be at that damn studio, looking dumb as if you don't have a family at home." I frowned

"I go to the studio for my FaMiLy At HoMe." He mocked my voice

"You had a studio at your old house, but don't care to get one here. You got some hoes at the studio? I already be seeing them, it's no need to lie." I said with some truth in it, of course it be hoes there but they ain't his hoes

"I'm waiting because I don't want all them people at my house, around you and Summer and she can't even talk yet. If something was to happen to her, that's on me so I'm waiting." He scrunched his face up

"I don't care, you're coming up with all these excuses and I just wanna go." I shook my head

"You not going anywhere, we talking this out like adults. I needa know what I'm doing that's making you oh so unhappy."

"You're making me unhappy, with everything you do it's just like no." I rolled my eyes

"So therefore, I'm taking me and my baby and we finna go. You can see her when I come to a conclusion of how we gonna go about custody." I walked towards the door to walk out

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