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"Here." I passed Hali the container of food. She popped the plastic top off of the tin foil and began to eat the fried chicken

We were sitting at her the bar in her kitchen and I had brought her some food that my momma made earlier today

"Thank you, boo." She said, I gave her a nod back

"I need wash my hairrr." She dragged

"Definitely." I agreed because it was the truth, but she cut her eyes at me

"Don't start wit' me." She pointed, then dug back into to the chicken

"Girl, please." I said before my phone vibrated. She grabbed it and handed it to me

It was just an Instagram notification, so I started to turn it off, but a notification from iMessage of Maceon sending a video popped up

I opened and immediately swiped out because it was a video of him beating his dick

"Can you hand me my purse?" I asked her, she took it from out the chair that was by her and gave it to me

My AirPods was the first thing I went for. They connected as soon as I put them in my ear while turning from Hali to be able to watch it

I went back to his messages and pressed the lil play button. He was moaning aloud, slapping it on the camera, and towards the end he was busting his nut. My favorite part

I bit my lip, but had to remember I wasn't by myself, so I turned my phone off and flipped it over

My best friend wasn't even worried about me. Her nose literally had grease on it with how deep she was into her plate

"Is it good?" I mugged her

"Yes." She mugged me back, rolling her neck. I laughed at her

"So, let me tell you." She wiped the sides of her mouth... and nose, then pushed the food to the side

"What?" I squinted, wondering if it was gonna be some bullshit

"So you know how we went on the Houston trip wit' everybody?" She asked. It wasn't everybody, but it was everybody if you catch my drift

"Yeah... what about it?" I raised an eyebrow

"So, since then you know how we only went on trips with each other?" She asked, making me suck my teeth

"Bruh, just get to the point." I rolled my eyes

"Damn, can a bitch create some thrill?" She popped her neck at me

"Alright, girl." I rolled my eyes, waving her off

"Tell me why Ariana and Taja ass gon' try to come and check me, saying that we weird and don't ever try to invite nobody out or try to take nobody on a trip with us." She said with her face scrunched up, I jerked my head back

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