☆part 6, a new friend!☆

Start from the beginning


‘moon is..is everything ok?’
‘I can feel something in our systams…’
‘moon! Answere me!’
….something is wrong…. is he playing a trick on you?.. cause it wasn't funny anymore!... you knew he didn't.. it all felt.. wrong..
wh-what if-
“sunray its time for me to see moonlight!” your cute little sunshine said with a sweet smile…
how am I suppose to tell him about moon? What if he won't function corectly and will end up hurting him?…”I’m so sorry sunshine but you can’t see moony today….” you can see his bright smile slowly fading… “wh-why not? Does he not want to play?” what am I going to say?? “no no! He would love to play with you but he’s… he’s not feeling very well today…” …. you saw dissapointment in he's green sparkly eyes.. you didn’t mean to make him upset!! “but d-dont worry sunspot! I’m here! And we’ll have so much fun together! Moony will be alright don’t worry!” you said trying to cheer him up and thankfully it worked! Your sunflower looked up to you with a bright smile! ”o-ok!” phew…. He didn't ask too many questions.. thats good.. hopefuly you could figure out whats wrong with moony
well, well well, trying to keep me away I see... he he he he~
‘m-moony? Is everything ok??’
of course!~ everything is wonderful!~ better then ever~
‘moon...something is clearly wrong.. your acting...strange..’
oh do I now?~ sunny boi?~
you know you can't keep me here forever~
‘ w-what?’
the lights will eventually go out...'
‘ ....I-I.. ’
'and my little star will be all mine~’
'something.. is wrong...'
this is very bad... what if he'll hurt your precious little sunflower?... w-what is wrong with moon?... whatever it is.. you know that it isn't the sane moon.. not anymore.. alright just calm down! everything is going to be fine! you have to be strong for your sunflower! just as long as the lights stay... ON.. ON....everything will be ok!.. you must! keep the lights.. on...


You played and ran around it was getting late and sunray picked you up to he’s room putting you gently on he's bed and before he could even say anything you both heard something or someone.. falling into the ballpit... you both exchanged confused looks and peeked your heads to see what it was, you saw a boy with brown hair and a blue shirt in the ballpit.. hu? Sun looked a bit concerned “you stay here sunshine I’ll be right back ok?” you nodded, sunray got to the boulcony did a little spin and dived head first into the ballpit you tried to hold back a giggle, sunray was so silly sometimes but you loved it about him! He then picked up the kid and got them out of the ball pit the kid trying to get out of sunray reach and he did by  knocking down one of sunray’s stacked up berols.. he ran to the security desk.. sunray sounded verry worried trying to get the kid out of there offering him poppet shows and googly eyes then the kid did something and suddenly the lights went out... you squeezed your plushies as you heard sunray screaming in pain why did it hurt him? It shouldn’t be hurting him! sunray fell behind the security desk with a loud clanc and then..."he he he he~" you saw moonlight... but.. he didn't sound the same.. he sounded different… more darker.. he jumped with an evil luagh.. that wasn’t the moonlight you knew.... something is wrong.. what happened? Whats worng with your moonlight? Is he mad at the kid for not wanting to sleep?...When moonlight was in the air he suddenly turned he's head to you... he’s red eyes were..diffirent...
he started flying towards you, you slowly backed away, when he reached the boulcuny he tilt he’s head “hello y/n~” he said with a creepy voice slowly aproaching you crouching, it was intimidating “m-moonlight?” you asked nerveously he tilt he’s head to the other side “why so nervous little star? Am I that scary?~” he said with anothr evil chuckle.. you backed away till your back hit the wall.. you suddenly felt so small.. “are you o-ok? S-sunray-” he suddenly punched the wall bhind you.. pinning you against the wall... “sunny doesn’t know what he’s talking about! He was a fool that he thought he could keep you away from me~ and now your all mine~” your whole body was trembling by now.. "w-what?" he gently held your chin and looked you deep in the eyes..
"tsk tsk tsk.. sunny thought he was ssooo smart..thinking he could keep you away from me~" he slowly lowered he's face so it was inches from yours.. you were breathing heavily.. he then whispered in your ear "but your mine~" he suddenly  snatched your sunray plush and tore it to two pieces right in front of you you looked at your torn plush and tears started filling yor eyes..
he kept you all to himself this whole time~ but now~ its time I finally play a little~ once I’ll get rid of that rulebreaker-” moonlight hissed lookin towards outside of his room “-I’ll finally have you all to myself~” moonlight chuckeled  an evil chuckle your whole body was shaking... what does he mean all to himself? Whats going on? Are you gonna see sunray ever again?
you were so confused and scared moonlight then got off of you and gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead you squeezed your eyes shut when he's lips touched your skin..when he backed away again he licked he's lips.. “you taste so good when your scared~”..w-what? that made you shiver even more he backed away and went to the to the balcony but before he jumped he turned to you and said “and don’t even think of running away~ cause I will find you~” he finally jumped.. your heart was racing.. your mind was full of questions... and your body was shaking..you squeezed your moonlight plush looking with tears at your torn sunray plush as you slowly picked it up and squeezed it. You were so scared.. where is sunray? Will you ever see him again? And where is your moonlight? Where is the soft caring person  that you loved? You sat against the wall and pulled your kneez to your chest and started crying, here it was all over again..the fears the threats the darknes and once again you were all alone... after a while suddnly the lights were back on you flinched, sunray! You quickly got up and looked into the daycare you saw sunray yelling at the kid before throwing him out of the daycare he then looked up to you and quickly flied towards you as soon as he reached you he pulled you into a hug “oh sunshine! I was so worried!! are you ok? Are you hurt?” he quickly raisd your arms and spining you checking you were alright he sighed in releaf putting you down... you hasitated a bit and asked quietly “s-sunray what happened to moonlight?” he wiped your tears “he’s…..ill right now… he’s not the same moony..” you looked down squeezing your plushies he looked at your torn plush “oh my! Did moon...did this..??” he asked worriedly and  you nodded “h-he said t-that he wanted me all to himself a-and tha-.” you burst into tears again your hands were shaking sun hugged you tight “don’t worry sunflower..everything will be ok…” you hugged him back..you were so scared of losing him….of losing your moonlight… all you wanted was hug your moonlight right now… but he isn’t here...and who knows if you’ll ever get him back… sunray took your sunray plush and said he would fix it he then put you up in he’s room and layed you on he’s bed you closed your eyes for a few minutes when you were sure that sunray wasn’t there anymore you opened your eyes again holding your only plush.. moonlight….. you couldn’t sleep… you were scared… you looked into nothing as you were deep in thought when you suddenly noticed a door.. you never saw it before… or you just didn't pay attention.. maybe...you can get out and find help? You weren’t sure...you didn’t feel comfortable running away like that, without telling sunray.. but you realy wanted to help them…. You thought for two seconds then you decided. moonlight needs you! And you’ll do whatever it takes to get him back! You slowly aproached the door and quietly opened it to revel a long hall you hesitated then got in….after 20 minutes you wondered around you found yourself in the daycare theater… you got out of there avoiding the security bots...you needed human help.. they would probably know how to fix moonlight right? You entered a big lobby and there was a stetue of sunray and moonlight in the middle you got out of there to an even bigger area you just kept walking.. you didn’t knew this place..the only place you knew was around the daycare, you havn’t got a chance to explore the rest of the pizzaplex yet… this place was a lot bigger then you thought… you held your plush even tighter..  as you walked by a giant golden freddy stetue and some rooms.. it looked like the glamrocks rooms.. you kept walking but suddenly the lights.... went out..you panicked..running to a corner and crawling into a ball.. breathing heavily as your heart raced.. no no no! not now! p-please not now you flinched when you heard a growl “hey! Kid! Come on out!” you saw a big eligator robot sprinting towards you, you jumped and ran as fast as you could the eligator quickly cought up with you and pinned you to the ground you screamed as he’s sharp claws dig threw your skin he snarled and growled slowly opening he's mouth to reveal lots of pointy teeth ready to bite your head off... thats it.. your finally going to die.. you closed your eyes ready for your fait.. you wish you could see sunray and moonlight one last time.. tell them that your sorry.. *boomm*! You were laying on the floor... your hands covered with blood..you felt weak... your body was sore.. your not going to die?... you saw moonlight ripping the robot eligator to pieces...you tried to get up to crawl to move but it hurt...you felt someone picking you up.. “I told you not to run away~”you heard moonlights dark voice say... you. shrinked into yourself “but I guess you already got your punishment~” he said with an evil chuckle your eyes full of tears from the pain you weakly say “I’m s-sorry! I-I didn’t mean to I w-was just trying t-to get help” moonlight looks down at you and tilt his head “help? for what starlight?” he said grinning down at you.. "I want to help you....” moonlights tilt his head to the other way “oh starlight..~ I don't need help~ I'm perfectly fine!~ do not run away again anderstud?  you gulped and slowly nodded he chuckled and boncked he's forehead to yours gently "good. cause I'll feel very bad if I'll have to punish my little star~" he wiped your tears and you slowly closed your eyes and fainted from exhaustion..

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