8| Why am I jealous

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I get jealous so easily because I know how easily replaceable I am

Next Day

Kashmala was absent that day

Fiza said to herself-
She is absent without informing me, let her come, mujhe bhi bata deti saath mein absent hote, now I will be bored the whole day !!

Fiza was saying all this to herself when her eyes fell on Hamza.

Fiza looked at him , he was looking handsome, perhaps a little too !!

His cologne was manly yet calming at the same time
Fiza noticed that he had gotten a haircut . His face was glowing too , why? Why she was noticing every single detail about him ? Her heart skipped a beat when he raised an eyebrow at her

(True love is having a crush on him even after he got a haircut)

It felt like time had slowed down , everything was moving at a slow pace , giving her time to admire him . She saw him frown a little with a small smile dancing on his lips.

he...he looked unreal , wait what???

"Earth to madam Fiza", looking at her distracted state Haya asked

Fiza blushed and realised she had been lost in her thoughts . I am on Earth, why would I stay anywhere else?" she stammered , feeling embarassed

Haya chuckled and walked towards ground "Well , woh toh tumhi bata paungi ki tum aaj kal kis khayalon mein ho," she teased, smiling at her
Fiza felt her cheeks grow warmer and she looked down trying to hide her blush

Why does he looked so good today?????

Fiza couldn't help but admire him

She was feeling lucky that her first crush was on Hamza
But there was something else stirring within her

She couldn't shake off the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach whenever he looked her way or whenever their eyes met

She tried her best to focus on the assembly but her mind kept wandering back to Hamza
She wandered if he ever felt the same way , but quickly brushed those thoughts aside , reminding herself of the boundaries that existed between them

But she couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards him

After some time
"What are the other modes of nutrition in Plants Fiza??" Teacher asked, she snapped out of her reverie and stared at him awkwardly , "huh?" She genuinely seemed out of the loop right now

Teacher sighed before leaning back in his chair. He then looked at Haya , "you tell me , your friend seems to have had a brain short circuit , go ahead and tell me ,"he said , his voice a little harsh

Haya nodded her head ,
"Three types of nutrition in plants include autotrophs, heterotrophs, and symbiotes. Autotrophs make their own food through photosynthesis. Heterotrophs obtain food from other organisms. Symbiotes depend on other organisms for nutrients (mutualism, parasitism)." She answered

Very good !! learn something from Haya, Stop getting distracted . What were you lost in thought about huh??? He folded his arms over his chest , gazing at the poor soul who was just thinking about her crush !!

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