Chapter 32

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I am so sorry guys for not updating.  I was caught up with holiday festive stuff and had to go to areas where there was no signal. Also Happy new years 🎉 I know I'm late but just wanted yall to have a great 2024 . Also if my font comes out like this one I apologize for that . It seems like the font is not coming off 💀😭.

Anna's pov :

Well I gotta say I am in complete shock . I did not know Iris was well a little I just thought she was a sub . But nope I was wronggggg.  Louis and I walk to the jeep as Valerie and Iris follows behind. I try to get into the jeep but the step is to high for me . I hear Louis sniffling her laughter mother fu-...Louis picks me up setting me in a booster seat. I whine at this until I see there's another booster seat next to me. That must've been for Iris. I smile as Iris is placed next to me . She immediately smiles at me as she plays with my hand.
"Iris you wanna play rock paper scissors?" I ask hoping she would be old enough to understand what I said and the game.
"Sure ". Iris says as she slightly shifts to my side.
"Rock paper scissors shoot!" We both say in sync as I look down at what she signaled.  Shit. She played rock . I played scissors...I frown as she does a small victory dance .
"Let's play again 1/3 for you." I say as she smirks and nods. The audacity! Like really I know I lost ONE round I'm sure I'm not gonna lose another this is bullshit.
"Rock paper scissors shoot!" We both say once again in sync . I look down and frown again . I played rock and she played paper. I looked up and she was sticking out her tounge at me.
"Loser " Iris said as she giggled making me stick out my tongue and cross my arms at her to make sure I looked angry I turned my head the other way and huffed .
"Alright we are here . Anna , Iris remember the rules no running away without mama or mommy by your side holding your hand. If you two be good you will get a very big reward when we get home ." Louis says as me and Iris nods.
Valerie opens my door and unstraps me as she picks me up and sets me on the floor. Louis opens Iris's door doing the same thing. Valerie holds my hand as we walk threw the mall. I don't even feel like walking . I am still upset with Iris she damn won that game . Mhm. I should make her jealous . I smirk and almost burst out laughing until I stop myself because that would be weird just randomly laughing in public . I tug on Valerie's blazer as she looks down and smiles at me.
"Yes baby ." She says as I smile back at her with an innocent look arriving on my face . I make grabby hands at her , this is my only way to get back at her .
"Uppie" . I say to Valerie as she looks at me suspiciously.  She probably is thinking whether I'm faking or not. I am definitely faking but I'm not gonna admit it.
"Alright baby , mommy needs to go to a few shops and then we have to go meet up with mama and Iris . You want anything anny?" Valerie says cooing at me . I try not to giggle at her for thinking I'm in my little headspace right now . I just nod and smile at her . Hiding my laughter behind my smile.  Oh this is what I call fun. Iris is gonna be sooo jealous when she sees me getting carried and she's not . I can't wait to stick out my tongue at her .

Hope you all have a great day or night 😁.

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