ii- library

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Keijis eyes felt heavy, that stinging sensation coming every time he'd close them.

he'd spent the whole night browsing at Y/N's profile. He probably knew more about her than anybody else did. He'd seriously gone through every post— every stupid little status update. Your playlist now even downloaded onto his computer.

As a result, he'd made various discoveries. Like how your best friend seemed to be a so called Sukimoto Mei . The drummer of the band you were in, the two of you going way back to grade school. Keiji felt that by the way Mai wrapped her hand around you waist in every picture— that she was probably someone to look out for.

His main focus was your so called ex boyfriend. Sugawara Kento. Who seemed to be on and off with you, always keeping himself around you as a 'friend'. He seemed like nothing but the last thing someone would want as a son. He was some shitty bass player, who was just looking for gigs here and there— in other words unemployed. A real asshole who had multiple posts where he looked like he was off of his brain on cocaine.

He just...couldn't keep him around. Find some way to get him away from you. The sheer thought of his name made keijis head hurt. But thats enough of that.

Let the work sit aside for later, right now he had to focus on the task at hand.

He had to look around for a copy of "rosemary bride", a poetry book full of depressing little free poems. All of which centered around an engaged woman doubting her engagement. And ultimately running away last minute, leaving her fiancé.

Keiji only let out a sigh, fixing his glasses as he scanned all the books in the aisle. Before finding the copy and promptly reaching for it. Flipping it open, eyes skimming over the brief summary. The library completely silent aside from the slight clanking of metal necklaces.

"excuse me, you gonna read that?"

Keiji lowered the book, tilting his head slightly as a small chuckle left his lips. "did you follow me?" keiji spoke gently.

Watching your face twist from the initial surprise and confusion to an amused smile. Your silky locs moving as you shook your head. "This is such a weird coincidence" you spoke softly, to which keiji only nodded in agreement.

"I'd been meaning to read it, I read somewhere on friendsky that it was a good book" keiji mumbled slightly. His fingers tracing the title engraved into the hard cover before closing it completely. Extending it out for you to take.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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