It ain't a holiday until...

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A/N: smut chapter yayy! Sorry for any grammar mistakes.

You rent a summer house with your friends in a small city and Alex is your neighbor.

Warnings: smut.

When you saw him for the first time, something sparkled in your eyes. He was so attractive and the fact that he rented a house in front of yours for you don't know how long, and were with a beautiful woman made you mad somehow. You wanted to know everything about him. This would be the perfect summer fling if it wasn't for the fact that he had company already and would probably never look at you.

It was a hot summer, you rented the house with your friends for the period. Beach everyday, surfing, tanned skins, and drinking: the perfect vacation.
One day, you went out to water the plants in the garden with only your bikini on and saw him outside, sitting by the pool, smoking a cigarette with a newspaper in his hands. He looked at you, but you couldn't maintain eye contact, you were too shy.
When you got inside you saw one of your friends and asked:

"Have you seen the couple next door? They're cute, right?"

"Girl, I don't know if cute is the right word" she answered.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, every time I walk past their house I hear discussions.. but yeah, they're really attractive if that's what you mean." You blushed a little bit.

On the same day, you decided to catch some waves by yourself. Your friends went to the city to buy some errands The water was perfect and you had a great time. While getting back to the sand, you notice a familiar figure. He was sitting on a chair, just him and a book in his hands. You got closer and you saw that he had your water bottle in his hands.

"Hi!" He said. "I got it for you, the wind was taking it away."

"Thank you so much..."

"Alex." Fuck, he was handsome.

"Alex." You introduced yourself. An embarrassing silence got in the way so you decided to cut it. "So, how's your stay going so far?"

"Yeah, good. A quiet city, having some time to myself, writing a lot."

"Oh, you're a writer?"

"Something like that, yeah. You? Surfer?"

"Nah, just having fun. I'm just a uni student enjoying it while I can."

He smiled. You could've sworn that for a moment he looked you up and down, but it was crazy, right?

"Well, Alex, it was nice talking to you, but I have to go, it's my cooking day and my friends are going to kill me if dinner isn't ready in one hour."

"A surfer, a student, and a cook? You have it all together."

You smiled. Was he flirting with you? Doesn't he have a wife/girlfriend?

"I mean, they do say that my pasta is the best."

"I should try it someday," he stated.

"You definitely should! Bye, Alex."

When you arrived at your house your friend Samantha was at the front door smoking.

"Seems like you and the hot neighbor had quite a good time today."

You made a confused face. "I saw you there at the beach talking to him."

"Oh, yeah, that... He's cool."

"He's hot, that he is!" You laughed. "Oh, and I saw his girl leaving yesterday. He's by himself now."

This information flashed hope in you.
While preparing dinner, you noticed something crucial was missing. The salt.

She Does the Woods - Alex Turner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now