Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry," you whispered.

"I should be the one apologizing. I said I'd have your back and I let you get swept into the Black Zone. I deserve to be belted for that."

"You made good on your oath, so that's what matters."

Mista was quiet for a few beats. "I didn't. Fugo had to step up. I was too distraught to do anything. We'd still be back in the Black Zone looking for you if it weren't for him."

You closed your eyes. "I'm just glad everyone's alright."

"Yeah, well, about that . . ."

"What is it?" Your voice sharpened.

"Nothing. Just that . . . Narancia's eye hasn't been doing so hot. It started bleeding the other day. Scary shit."

"Is he okay?"

"It's bandaged, but he needs medical attention. I think it's a lot worse than he's letting on. He could barely see straight the past few days and he's been weak. He's been numbing it with eye drops. At best, some kind of infection. At worst, he'll probably need a cybernetic."

"That idiot," you muttered, but it was more worried than irritated.

"We'll look after him, Cap. You just get your ass here. You're on the main docks, right? A guy named Rati brought us over. He's trustworthy. If you show him Zero's pin, it should be a breeze."

"Will do."

"Oh, and Cap. You owe me a round of drinks. Don't die or anything stupid like that."

You smiled weakly. "I won't. Talk to you soon."

You replaced the receiver and Abbacchio took that as his cue to make his way over.

"Everything alright?" he asked.

"The crew's fine. They're out on island D46. Said if we get in contact with some guy named Rati, he should be able to get us out."

Abbacchio tilted his head. "Would that happen to be him over there? He's been staring at you since you started the call."

Across the docking office, someone leaned against the entrance, not quite casually. You couldn't make out any distinguishing features about them, only that they were dressed in the full-body skin suit that researchers on Minos seemed to like and had on a large blue visor over their eyes.

You traded a look with Abbacchio. He gave a one-shoulder shrug.

"Do you know anyone around here named Rati?" you asked, walking over to the person. They looked you up and down, and you couldn't help feeling self-conscious. After narrowly dying just a day ago, you couldn't imagine that you looked very appealing.

"Who's asking?"

The voice was male. Light. Pleasant. He hadn't corrected you, so you assumed he really was Rati.

From your jacket pocket, you took out Zero's pin. You couldn't even remember the last time you'd used it.

"I'm under Zero's employ. I've been told you can get us to island D46."

"And why do you need to get there?"

"I don't see how that's your business."

"Don't get defensive. I was just curious. If you're here for sights, there are plenty of more attractive islands. And if you're here for research, that island has already been extensively mapped and catalogued."

You set your jaw. "I just need to get to island D46. Can you take us or not?"

Rati looked over your shoulder at Abbacchio. "Friend of yours?"

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