[ ☁︎ 14 ☁︎ ]

Start from the beginning

You heard everyone cheering as you look around the crowds with smile and wave.

"Why do we have to use bagogo's face cream?" Fang sighed.

Bagogo popped nowhere as fang Yelp. "Hey, I'm the sponsor for this team, am I not? You're the ambassador for my products!" He said as you three poker face at him. "Now look at the camera!" He pointed the drones camera as you three look at it.

The screen showed by you, fang, boboiboy and bagogo. "Yes, ladies and gentlemen!" Bagogo start sponsor the cream.

"I have this special product that will make you fairer. Greener, or even pink" he showed the face makeup like the example. You three poker face then heard the crowds seems they were interesting.

"I guess there's a market for these things." You said.

"It's all good, ladies! If you don't believe me, just take a look at my ambassadors! Aren't they fabulous?!" The screen showed boboiboy and fang. "Go ahead, smile! Wave! Wave!" He said as two boys did what he said.

Then the screen showed you. "Ooh! And there's a little one, say hi!"

"Uuh. . . Hello?" You shyly smiled as the crowd awe at you.

"Aren't you three just the cutest!" Both boys heard familiar voice, they look turn and it's adudu and probe.

"Probe? Adudu?"

Adudu smirk and said. "Ready to lose?"

"How did you get into this race?!"

"You think you're the only one with money?" He take out his credit card.

"Quit interrupting our mission!" Boboiboy said and heard the engine as everyone look attention at them.

And see there's the two who join in. "Those are the bikembars! Their vicious racers!" Two girls said.

"[Gibberish talk]" blue guy said.

"What is he saying. . .?" You asked.

As the red guy beside boboiboy and said. "My brother was saying, 'this race us child's play!' " then he laughed.

Fang got pissed by the red guy said. "How dare you!"

The red guy shocked. "What?!! You amateurs think you can defeat the likes of us?"

Boboiboy scoffed by his behavior. "Don't get ahead of yourselves."

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!" A voice from you that boboiboy recognize voice and saw you were hold microphone.

"Huh? Lil sis? What are you doing?"

You cover the microphone with your hand. "That green guy let me do this like he do, uuh, like this?" You said while the crowd awe you in screen as you cough your throat and said to the microphone. "Wweelllcome!! To the long-awaited, uh. . What this place name. . . Oh I remember, Nova Prix space race!" The crowd cheering and yelling and awe you by your adorable voice.

"Allow me to introduce. . . Uh. ." The alien give you a paper of the racers name as you take it and said. "In the first position, pok pok tus from planet gurunda!" You pointed at cactus who wearing his goggles.

[OLD!] little sister (BoBoiBoy x child! Sister! reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now