"Okay, we are in for a treat today..." Qin Han smiled and took the chopsticks handed over by Li Li, saying with great anticipation. For Ning Bin and others, Qin Han actually had no special feelings. After all, although they lived together under the same roof for half a month, his attention was all on Xiaoquan at that time. How could he have the free time to communicate with them? What's more, he knew very well that these people called him "Brother Qin" and "Brother Qin" so affectionately, but in fact they only regarded him as a relatively familiar stranger.

    "Brother Xiaoquan, what were you doing in the capital for so long?" Su Jie asked curiously. Because he is ambitious and wants to go further in the future, Su Jie has started taking night classes to recharge his batteries. As someone who pays close attention to the business community, he accidentally saw a report about Qin Han while flipping through financial magazines, and was really shocked. He originally thought that maybe it was just the same name. After all, China has a population of over one billion, and there are too many people with the same name, so there is nothing surprising about meeting them. But he carefully looked at the photos published in the interview and thought about it for a long time, and finally determined that this Qin Han was indeed the Qin Han they knew! He had known that Qin Han had a good family background, but he never expected that he was now the helmsman of the famous Qin family! After discovering such a surprising secret, he was immediately excited. Knowing such a big shot, if he had any difficulties in the future, he would not be afraid of being unable to turn to him! Originally he wanted to tell Brother Ning and the others, but he thought that Brother Xiaoquan must know Qin Han's identity but kept it secret. Qin Han must not want them to know. He thought for a long time and finally chose to hide it.

    "While there is still some time before I officially go to college, I will learn something from Brother Qin. What about you? The store is still busy, right? If it doesn't work, we will recruit a few more employees next year. While you are still young, hurry up. Take the time to learn more and avoid being deceived in the future..." Wang Xiaoquan really doesn't want to see these children confined to this small world. They are still young, and youth is their capital, and they have plenty of opportunities to develop.

    "We do have this plan, and we were planning to tell you." Seeing Wang Xiaoquan looking at him expectantly and encouragingly, Ning Bin straightened his back subconsciously and continued: "We are discussing recruiting more people next year. Employees are recruited from several orphanages in our city to give the desperate orphans a chance, just like Brother Xiaoquan, you help us. Just leave Xiaolin in the two stores here to watch, and we can take advantage of There is still plenty of time. Let’s take some elective courses that we are interested in first to prepare ourselves and work hard to open our Maixiangju branches all over the country...” “

    That’s right, from now on our Maixiangju employees will give priority to leaving the orphanage. Li Zhao, Ajie is trying hard to negotiate with several orphanages in our city. Several of the directors seem very happy, but they are afraid that we are liars and dare not agree rashly. After the new year, we plan to let a few who do not plan to take the exam Let the young people from the university try it. If there is no problem, it will be easier in the future..." "

    This is a good idea. I am really proud of you for making such a decision!" Thinking of these few people a year ago. Wang Xiaoquan was really pleased that the young man who was still eager to join the underworld was able to think about benefiting society and helping people with the same fate after his life was on the right track.

    "Hehe, this is just a rough idea we have built. We may not know whether it will work or not..." Several people were embarrassed by Wang Xiaoquan's praise. They all blushed and said modestly.

✓Plane businessman Wang XiaoquanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant