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According to Smiths previous explanation, Wang Xiaoquan cut his finger with a fruit knife and dripped blood on the three little people. After a while, the three little guys slowly opened their eyes and sat up, but their eyes were blank and unfocused, and their expressions were ignorant and ignorant of the world, just like newborn babies.

The three cute and delicate little guys were stunned for a while. After their big watery eyes adapted to the light, they began to move around curiously until they could clearly see Wang Xiaoquan, who was smiling and paying attention to their every move. They looked like newborn babies. As if the chick had found its mother, it stood up with excitement and joy, stumbled and staggered on its short legs and ran towards Wang Xiaoquan's hand. He held a finger, opened his mouth, bit it, and started to coo. After gulping down "Mama's" blood, the three little guys stopped with their stomachs bulging.

Wang Xiaoquan turned to stone when the three little guys sucked his blood. Although they certainly couldn't drink much with their appetites, he didn't have to worry about being sucked into a mummy accidentally, but it was not appropriate to suck blood as soon as they met. Bar? However, Wang Xiaoquan also became happy unconsciously when he saw the comfortable and comfortable looks of the three little people with swollen bellies and squinting their big eyes contentedly in his palm.

"Mummy, my stomach feels uncomfortable, rub it..." The blond-haired, blue-eyed little man rubbed Wang Xiaoquan's index finger with his furry little head and said coquettishly.

Wang Xiaoquan had a dark look on his face when he heard this, and corrected him in a gentle voice: "Call me daddy, not Mommy. From now on, you will be called Xiaojin, remember?" While guiding him gently with a handsome face, he gently gave the little boy a hand with his hands. The guy rubbed his bulging belly. Wang Xiaoquan likes children very much, especially obedient and well-behaved children. These three little people are completely based on his inner conception and are the ideal models for his future precious children! Although his body shape is a little too mini, this does not prevent him from being full of fatherly love in an instant!

"Ba Ba..."

"Ba Ba..."

The two little people with brown hair, black eyes, and white hair and gray eyes gathered around and looked at Wang intently with their little faces full of expectation. Koizumi.

"Well, your name is Xiao Brown, and your name is Xiao Bai. We will be a family from now on, haha, so good..." Wang Xiaoquan's naming skills are really not that good, but the three little guys are still very happy and satisfied. , actually flying and dancing in the air like a butterfly! No wonder they are called flower spirits. If they dance in the garden, wouldn't they look like elves in the flowers?

Flower essences are born for plants. If they are left away from the plants that give them life energy for a long time, they will quickly weaken and die. On the contrary, if they are allowed to live among vibrant plants, as long as there is a continuous flow of life energy, Supply, they will live happily and worry-free forever. At the same time, the innate abilities of flower essences are also very magical. They can manipulate plants at will, communicate with plants, understand the emotions of plants, and know when and how to sow plants that are indescribable to humans. Where to grow most comfortably, when to harvest, how to harvest more efficiently, etc. They are natural farm managers!

Wang Xiaoquan played with the three little guys for a while and saw them frequently looking at the pile of seedlings and seeds piled in the corner of the big cave. He knew that they couldn't stay in the cave and wanted to take care of their dependent children in the sun. Friends, Wang Xiaoquan directly put the hill-like pile of seedling seeds into the storage bag, held the three little guys in his hands and made room. Wang Xiaoquan first set his foothold on Granary Island, and handed over large bags of various grains, vegetables, and fruit seeds to Xiaobai and Xiaojin, giving them the greatest authority. The entire island and so many seeds were at their free disposal. The two little guys who were floating in the air were doing somersaults, patting their chests and promising that they would take care of Granary Island.

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