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After listening to Wang Xiaoquans story, Principal Yu was very pleased and patted his shoulder, which was much broader and stronger than before, and praised him lovingly: Its a good idea for you! Ning Bin and those guys Although children are naughty and do not study well, they are not bad in nature. As the saying goes: 'Three hundred and sixty, a person will be number one in every field.' No matter what profession you are engaged in, as long as you can do it well, you will be one of the pillars of society. Talent. Since they dont like studying, it would be good if they could enter the society early and do serious things. To tell you the truth, I was worried before, because I was afraid that these children would have nothing to do after graduation and would imitate others. ..."

"Principal Yu, don't worry, I will watch over them and I will never let them go astray. In fact, I really hope that they can read more books, even if they don't take the college entrance examination, learning more knowledge will be beneficial to them in the future. It is also helpful to study in life, but Ning Bin and the others really can't continue studying. In addition, school fees and living expenses are also a problem. Those brats are determined not to continue studying. I can't bear to see them in such pain. The rebellious mentality will be self-defeating! So I plan to use the tens of thousands of dollars I have saved over the years as capital to rent a shop with them to start a small business. While training them, I can also find something for them.

"They don't like to learn from the bottom of their hearts, so it would be inappropriate to force them. It might not be a bad thing to get in touch with society as early as possible. What are your plans?" Have you decided where to rent a shop and start a business? You are still young, and society is not as simple as you think. You must think twice before doing anything to avoid being cheated..." Although Principal Yu is very concerned about his The proud student was very pleased and proud, but the worries in his heart did not disappear because of this. Doing business is different from studying. As long as you are savvy enough and willing to study hard and practice hard, you can achieve good results. If you want to do a good business, it is not just about your hard work, it also depends on all aspects. There are so many things to consider, and if you dont do it right, you may lose everything!

"To tell you the truth, I'm worried, and now my head is empty and I don't have any clues!" Wang Xiaoquan irritably brushed his short, thick black hair a few times and replied with a frown.

"Hey, it's hard for you kid. Come to think of it, how can business be so easy to do?" Principal Yu sighed, comforted Wang Xiaoquan for a few words, and then seemed to suddenly remember something, his tone was a little excited. Said: "Oh, by the way, I remember that my daughter's mother-in-law's house has a house and several stores not far away. Not long ago, I heard from my daughter that my son-in-law wanted to take his in-laws and his wife to S city to enjoy themselves. I didn't know. Is this shop rented out? How about I take you to have a look?"

"Really? That's great! Thank you so much, Principal Yu, you have helped me a lot. I was worried about where to rent a store. Here!" Wang Xiaoquan happily jumped three feet high. He was so happy. Is this the legendary saying "it takes no effort to find a place even if you break through iron shoes"? Sure enough, God still favored him very much. Wang Xiaoquan was dozing off when someone brought him a pillow.

"Okay, okay, we are all grown up, but still so frizzy." Seeing Wang Xiaoquan's bright smile, Principal Yu couldn't help but smile on his face, "I hope my parents haven't rented out the store yet. But Xiaoquan, their store is in a good location and is still 80% new. I guess the rent will not be cheap. You have to be mentally prepared. I will try my best to help you make peace, but there is no guarantee that it will happen..."

"It's okay. Principal, let's just try our best. If it doesn't work, forget it. You can't force others, right?" Wang Xiaoquan is not as pessimistic as Principal Yu. Although he doesn't have much money, he still has no problem renting a store, let alone others. I don't know how much money he has on hand. As long as the principal's family doesn't charge exorbitant prices, he should be able to afford the rent.

"My parents-in-law and my wife are both honest people, so the price they want shouldn't be too outrageous, not to mention their family is not short of money. I'll tell you when the time comes, and it should be a little cheaper. There's room for rent now. It's settled. As for what business to do, you have to think carefully. I have been teaching and educating people all my life, and I don't know much about business and other things. I'm afraid I can't be of much help..." Principal Yu has long passed the age of saving face and suffering. , very frankly admitting his shortcomings in certain areas in front of the students, "But you can talk to my in-laws. His surname is Qin. He has been in business all his life and has rich experience. You can ask him for advice." It should be of benefit..."

"Thank you, Principal Yu, I will learn from Grandpa Qin..." Although it is more familiar to call Principal Yu "Grandpa Yu", Wang Xiaoquan still prefers to call this kind and kind old man "Grandpa Yu". "Principal Yu", because this title contains his respect, admiration and heartfelt admiration for this old man...

The old man and the young man talked as they walked, and soon they arrived at their destination. This is the most prosperous area of ​​the entire commercial street. It is located at the intersection of the pedestrian street and the snack street. The green environment is quite good, and the store decoration is also very exquisite and beautiful. Wang Xiaoquan fell in love with this place at first sight. It is definitely a good place. Excellent location for your business.

Maybe its because they pity Wang Xiaoquan, an orphan who has no father or mother, and has to struggle for life at a young age, maybe because he appreciates the positive attitude of these strong children from the bottom of his heart, or maybe just because he doesnt want to disgrace his in-laws, Grandpa Qin and Wang Under Principal Yu's persuasion, grandma quickly agreed to rent the store to Wang Xiaoquan for 2,500 yuan per month and the house above the store for 1,500 yuan per month. After Wang Xiaoquan paid one year's rent at once, he signed a contract with Grandpa Qin under the witness of Principal Yu.

Grandpa Qin is about the same age as Principal Yu. Although he has been in business all his life, he is not like ordinary businessmen who always smile when meeting people. Instead, he is very serious, with a sullen look that can scare children to tears. On the contrary, Grandpa Qin's wife, Grandma Wang, is more like a businesswoman. She has a kind and kind smile on her face, which makes her feel very approachable. However, she is very shrewd in her dealings with others. She is just like an old fox in sheep's clothing (no derogatory meaning). ha). Wang Xiaoquan pestered Grandma Wang and talked for a long time, and she really benefited a lot. As expected, Jiang is so old that she won't accept it!

Anyway, there was nothing wrong with going back to school. After Wang Xiaoquan said goodbye to Grandpa Qin, his wife, and Principal Yu, he continued to wander around the pedestrian street to see how people operate. The pedestrian street has a large flow of people every day, which indirectly leads to the prosperity of the snack street. The snack street sells all kinds of food, such as barbecue, cold noodles, various kinds of noodles, spicy hotpot, etc. Of course, it is more formal. There are quite a few restaurants in the city, such as hotpot restaurants, barbecue restaurants, seafood restaurants, etc., one after another, and the competition is quite fierce.

Wang Xiaoquan and the others really don't have any advantages except for the relatively good store location. They need experience but not experience, and they need craftsmanship but not craftsmanship. If they want to survive in such fierce competition, they have a long way to go!

Everyone knows that rare things are valuable, and Wang Xiaoquan is no exception. They have no other advantages and can only go astray and start with the word "rare". After thinking about it, Wang Xiaoquan suddenly had an idea. Yes, he has a plane trader. Wouldn't it be possible to exchange some recipes or secret recipes from other planets that are not found on earth? When the time comes, he will claim to the outside world that it is his ancestral secret recipe. How can this gimmick not be attractive? Everyone is curious and will always be willing to try something new. As long as it is operated with integrity and properly managed, there is no fear of no repeat customers...

With an idea in mind, Wang Xiaoquan stopped wandering around and walked quickly to the school, ready to find Enter the space in a hidden place and ask shopkeeper Liu about it...

✓Plane businessman Wang XiaoquanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora