"Hello, Mr. Wang, I am Dong Jianbin, manager of the planning department. This is the final plan that our department has arrived at after many discussions and investigations. Please take a look at it..." A person who understands current affairs is a hero, although I don't feel ashamed of this person. A new boss who relies on his body to get to the top, but he won't be stupid and show it directly. China has never lacked talents, and an internationally renowned large enterprise like Qin's has attracted the favor of many talents. Some people are eyeing the seat under his butt, and he cannot seek death. Looking at the nondescript furnishings in this office, he knew how much Mr. Qin cared about this person, so before Mr. Qin got tired of it, it was better for him to shrink his neck and compromise, even though it didn't take much effort for this little boy to get him like this. People are envious, jealous, and resentful of the high position that they can't reach despite all their efforts.

    "Oh, okay, Manager Dong, please take a seat first..." Wang Xiaoquan didn't care what Manager Dong, who suddenly exuded a strong sense of disgust, was thinking, and just took the document and read it carefully. This was the first big case he was responsible for, and it had a great impact on the Qin family. He could not live up to Qin Han's trust. What's more, no one is perfect. He didn't expect all the employees of the company to like him. As long as the director does not betray the company and has top-notch professional qualities, what does it matter if he hates him?

    "I don't think there is anything that needs improvement, what do you think, Doudou?" To be on the safe side, Wang Xiaoquan didn't care about any shameless issues. After reading it several times, Wang Xiaoquan quietly consulted Doudou with his consciousness.

    "It's really good, but this draft seems to be the one that the spy intern used to take pictures with his mobile phone. I glanced at the quotation before, and it is exactly the same as this one..." On business, Doudou still Quite serious and responsible, since he said so, it must be right.

    "How come the account manager has this draft?" Wang Xiaoquan was a little confused. If the manager was a traitor, Qin Han would definitely know it as soon as possible. But in fact, Qin Han didn't react at all. Does that mean that the account manager was very loyal to the Qin family, and it was purely an accident that the intern spy succeeded? But how did he get the proposal within the planning department? Wang Xiaoquan didn't make any guesses. He simply raised his head and asked Dong Jianbin, who had been sitting quietly opposite him, "Manager Dong, are only insiders in your department aware of this proposal?" "

    Not only our insiders know, because the quotation requires Considering many factors, in addition to the participation of colleagues from our department, we also invited colleagues from other relevant departments for reference. Do you have any questions? If you need it, I can submit the list of specific participants to you... "Dong Jianbin, who was confident at first, couldn't help but feel worried. Could something go wrong? Otherwise, why would this boss, who had just arrived at the company on his first day, suddenly ask this question?

    "Oh, that's it. It's nothing. I'm just asking. Please sit down for a while, wait..." Wang Xiaoquan pretended to read the document, but he was actually communicating with Doudou with his consciousness: "Doudou, what should I do? Do you want to change the quotation?"

    "Of course I have to change it. Maybe the traitor has spread the news to the Qin family's old enemy! By the way, you and Qin Han are too useless, right? You will be taken advantage of like this. Kongzi, if it weren’t for me, you’d just have to cry! ╭(╯^╰)╮” Doudou is a fanatical theorist of technological supremacy. , that is quite disgusting. In his opinion, is it not easy to live forever? Wouldn't it be enough to take the life-extending potion developed by the technological planet of the higher plane? If that doesn't work, just be like him and transform into a conscious body or make a high-grade metal body that will never age. Isn't everything OK? Why should we carefully explore the rules of heaven? If you put in all the effort, you may not succeed in the future! Stupid human beings...

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