History & A Secret

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It has been two months since Ruby and Chelsea have became friends. They have been having small exploring adventures outside of the Kraken Kingdom. Ruby still wants to introduce Chelsea to her family, but feel like it's still not the right time to do so. For Chelsea, she keeps reminding herself that she's doing this for her kingdom, and her mother. But the more she keeps being with Ruby, the more she feels like she enjoys being friends with Ruby. Only time will tell of what path Chelsea will chose.

Today was like almost every other day Ruby and Chelsea have been out together. Sunny, with a nice breeze to keep them cool down. Ruby and Chelsea were riding around on the same horses they have been riding for the past two months. Through out the two months, they explored more land outside of the castle grounds, explored an a beautiful hidden lush cave, visited some of the outside villages, a finding a beautiful, big flower area, where they would like to eat at most of the time. But today, Ruby had something different planned out for them. They were both going through the forest on their horses, as Ruby was leading them. She didn't tell Chelsea where they were going because she wanted to surprise her. Chelsea felt tired as they were riding for what seem likes forever to them.

"Ruuuubbbbyyyy. Can you please tell me where we're going?"

"Uh uh uh. Not a peep from me until we get there."

"Well how much longer is that?"

"We're almost there."

"You said that an hour ago!"

"You just gotta trust me on this, Chelsea."

"Do you even know this place is even at?"

"Yes, I do. I've went there many times. Now, stop being like a little kid, and just keep following me."

"Mmmmrrrgghh. Fine."

Ruby giggled by how Chelsea is behaving right now. For Chelsea, Ruby's giggles and laughs are like soft music to her ears. It can easily make your smile all the time. And she doesn't even know that it happens to her. After a bit more riding, they finally made it to their destination.

"Finally, we're here Chelsea."

"My goodness, finally! And where is here exactly?"

They got off their horses, tied them to a tree, and walked up to what seemed to be a very very very old stone and wooden cabin.

"This right here, is where it all started for my family."


"*giggles* I can see you're confused. When I said that, it basically means that this place where my whole family history started. This cabin right here used to belong to my ancestor, Margot Gillman, when she first discovered this land."

"Oh wow! Surprise something this old is still here. Judging how bad of shape it is."

Chelsea was mentioning all of the holes in the wall. Broken windows. Collapsed chimney. Half a roof gone. Amd a missing door. And that was just the outside. They haven't even seen the inside yet.

"Yea well, my mom said that it's best to leave what's left of what began in past, alone. My mom showed me this place when I was little. And my Grandmama showed her this place when she was little, and so on and so on. It's to remimd us of how much we've grown since centuries ago."


"Come on. I'll show you inside. It's a mess, but there are still alot of things inside."

They both walked in, and Chelsea was presented with horror. It was extremly dirty inside. Spiderwebs in almost every corner. Saw that the hand made dinner table with chairs, were all chipped and cracked up with them being abandoned. Seeing where the colapsed chimney is, she saw that there was a fireplace area, where it seems like they would cook there food because there was a few pots and pans next to it. The floor was cracked open, making the ground exposed, and a few plants were growing from it. They went to the only other room in the cabin, and saw it was a bedroom. It had a bed that was big enough for one person. It was all dirty, and crispy. Like of you were to touch down on it, it would made a loud crunch noise. And a homemade dress, with a few drawers missing. Chelsea felt really uneasy in here. Sje never really liked being in messy places like this. And it seems like Ruby took notice of it. So she grabbed Chelsea's hand, and led her back outside.

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