The Plan

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Chelsea was walking towards the throne room because her mother called her and said it was an emergency. As she finally arrived in from of the two giant wooden doors, she gave them a push, and saw her mother was on her throne on the small flight of stairs.

"Hello mother. You asked for me?"

"Yes Chelsea, I have news to share with you."

Queen Nerissa got up from her throne, and walked down towards Chelsea.

"You know what tonight is dear?"

"Yes, I do. It is the annual kindgom ball josted by the, ugh, Gillmans."

"You are correct. Even though I hate the family, and the kingdom, we always have to go because of our peace treaty. But tonight is a night you must not mess up on."

"What do you mean?"

"I have heard from our guards from inside their castles that they found the trident deep below the castle."

"Wait. The trident? The one that Queen Agatha took from you 15 years ago?"

"Yes. How idiotic of them keeping it in their castle. But the problem is that the trident is guarded with many guards and knights that our inside guards can't get to."

"And how does this affect me tonight?"

"Because, the way to get the trident is for someone on the inside who is small enough for the guards to not notice."

"I can see what you're talking about, mother. But how am I, the princess of the family they don't trust, is supposed to get inside?"

"Easy. One of them will invite you in."

"Wait, huh?"

"My plan is that you will befriend the princess, gain her trust, she'll invite you to the castle, and maybe even show you where the trident is. Then, you will create a distraction, one so bad that all the guards and knghts have to react and leave the trident unguarded. Which will be ths perfect opportunity for you to snatch the trident, bring it back to me, and we will be the most fearful kingdom once again."

"Oooo, that sounds great! But, uuugggghhhh. I have to be friends with stupid little blue head princess? Why not bash my head with a shield now."

"You must do this. Do you not want to rule the other kingdoms?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then this is not a choice. It's an order."

"*sigh* Alright mither. I'll pretend to be friends with, *gags* Ruby...Gillman."

"Good daughter. Now, go get dress. Tonight, we'll start the plan."

Chelsea walked out of the throne room and went in the dressing room so her servants can help her get ready. She couldn't believe it. The Gillmans had the trident underneath the castle the whole time. And it's about to be their's again. Chelsea can already feel the power of the trident already. Even tjough she never got a chance to feel how strong it can make her, Nerissa always told her stories of how powerful her and her ancestors were with the trident. And soon, she will rule all the kingdoms with that trident as well. But for this plan to work, she had to suck it up, and be friends with her enemy. Princess Ruby Gillman. Even though the two never really talked or know each other well, she still hates her because of what her mother did 15 years ago. But she just needs to pretend a bit, and it'll be all worth. They will pay for what they tried to hide from them.

Their revenge is about to commence

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