A Day Together

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Chelsea was in her room, brushing out her hair, and getting ready. Even though she does not even want be near Ruby, she still loves to make herself stand out. Still one of the things she likes about being a Van Der Zee. While getting ready, Chelsea was thinking to herself the possiblities of how long it'll until she gets the trident. She believes it might take around 3 months for her to complete her task and get the trident. Less if Ruby trust her more faster. Or more if there are any complications. After she was done brushing out her hair and putting on just a little bit of makeup, she walked out of her room, and walked in the throne room, seeing that her mother was waiting for her.

"Mother, I am ready now."

"Good. Lukas!"

Chelsea's own personal knight that has been by her side since Chelsea was a baby, walked up amd took a bow.

"Take a boat and sail to the area Chelsea tells you to go to. Only you and her."

"As you wish, my queeen."

As they were about to walk out, Nerissa quickly stopped them.

"Chelsea, wait."

Chelsea looked back at her mother.

"Yes mother?"

"Remember. Do whatever it takes to get to that trident. I'm count on you to succeed on this task. And remember, no failures."

"I understand. I will not fail."

They both walked out of the castle, and went to the docks. They picked a boat of their choosing, untied it, and started to sail off. Normally, if Chelsea amd Nerissa were together on the boat, they would stay in one of the rooms until they reach their destination. But Chelsea always loved the ocean and boat rides. She loved the waves crashing against the boat, the sea salt smell, the ocean breeze. It feels great for her. She was just standing there close to Lukas as he was steering the boat, with her eyes close and a small smile on her face as she is feeling the winds on her face.


"Lukas, I told you not to call me that. You've known me ever since I was a baby. Even though it was ordered by my mother, you were always there for me at my hardest times. I told you, you can always call me Chelsea when my mother isn't around. Remember that. You're not just a knight to me. I consider you as family. Always.

"Ok. I'll remember. But Chelsea, are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"Well of couse. The trident is ours to being with. They have to right to keep it away from us. Nor even take it in the first place. I will get it back."

"Of course, of couse. But, I remember in the past that you really didn't want to do some of the things your mother had made you do before that she said was, 'better for the kingdom'. And after you did it, sometimes you regreted it. I know I am, and will always be loyal to you and your mother. But I feel like you shouldn't do things what your mother and mind tell you to do. But instead, listen to what your heart says. You might acrually like what your life will be like without your mother keep telling you what to do."

Chelsea really listened to every word of what Lukas just said. She does admit, there are times she wished she didn't do the things her mother asked her to do, but this task, it can mean to make the world into what she likes. Chelsea then took a deep breathe in and out through her nose and speaked.

"They'll pay for what they tried to hide from us."

"*sigh* If that's what you want, Chelsea."

"It is. Now, can we please focus in front of us now."

Lukas didn't say anything else after that. He instead just kept steering the boat to where Chelsea kept leading them to. After about 10 minutes of sailing, they saw another boat coming. And saw that it had the Kraken Kingdom symbol on it. There they were. Chelsea saw that Ruby was waving towards them like some excited little kid. The two boats then stopped beside each other, and dropped their anchors down so they wont drift away from each other.

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