A Possible New Friend?

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Nerissa and Chelsea were on the boat, on their way to the royal party. For Chelsea, she was nervous. Because tonight, she will start the plan that her mother planned out for her. And she's very nervous because if she messes up, either the Gillmans will do something horrible to her, or her mother will.


Chelsea broke off from her thoughts, and looked to her side to face her mother.

"Yes mother?"

"For this plan to work, you have to make yourself very believeable to the princess. And make her earn her trust, as long as it takes so she'll take you to the trident. And remember this Chelsea. If you fail, do not even bother coming back home. I do not take failure as an excuse."

"I-I understand mother. But how will I be friends with her?"

"Exploit her heart. She's a girl that cares about others feelings. Convince her that you're a misserable girl. She'll try to cheer you up, and I know as a girl like her, she would want to get to know you more. The more you two spending time together, the more you'll get to the trident."

"Where can I get her alone?"

"Well for the last few years, I've seen her go to a small room in the back of the hall area. That's where you go in and pretend you didn't see her come in first, all crying."

"Great plan."

"I know. Don't screw it up. This is our only chance."

Chelsea simply nodded as one of their guards came up to them and kneeled down.

"My queen, we are about to reach the Kraken Kingdom."

"Thank you. Now begone."

He walked away the the vision of the huge and beautiful Kraken Kingdom started to become more clear. Nerissa hates how it is. She believes they shouldn't even have this stuff to begin with and believes all of it should be her's. But with Chelsea, she just pretends to hate it as well, but she actually loves how it looks. Ecspecially during the night. When they arrived, two men tied a roped around the dock to the boat, and two more men dropped the ramp. After that, Nerissa and Chelsea, plus a couple of guards, walked off the boat, and started to walk towards the castle. When the arrived at the big wooden doors, the men of the kindgom opened it to reveal to them the main hall with many guests from the other kingdoms. And a few feet away, was Queen Agatha, King Arthur (that's his name, right?), Princess Ruby, and Prince Sam. When Agatha and Nerissa locked eyes at each other, they were giving each other a cold stare that felt like it could kill anyone just by one look.



"Can see that you and your daughter had decides to be on time this year."


"A bit, yes. Well, I hope you can find this year's party to be more exciting for you."

"Anything that you host, will never be great to me."

Agatha didn't say anything. Instead, she just rolled her eyes, and the whole family started to walk away to enjoy the party. As soon they were gone, Nerissa nealed down to Chelsea and whispered in her ear.

"So, when I give two taps on the nose, you'll know it's time to go to that room over there, and start the plan."

"Got it."

*two hours later*

Chelsea sticked close to her mother really close so she wouldn't miss the signal. But, it's been over two hours now, and she was wondering if Ruby was even gonna be in the back room at all this year. She then looked up at her mother one more time to see if she's gonna do it. Nerissa then looked down on Chelsea then gave the two taps on the nose. Chelsea then nodded, and slowly walked away from the crowd she was in, and luckily, no one noticed her at all going to the back of the hall. Before she could go anymore futher towards the room, she took a deep breathe in and out, and statted to make tears come out of her eyes so Ruby would believe her. After a few minutes of fake crying, she made sure her manscara was washing away, and started to run to the room, crying.

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