ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 11: TᕼE ᑌᑎᗷᖇOKEᑎ ᒪEGᗩᑕY

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"Son, there's something crucial I want you to grasp," Harold emphasized, his gaze fixed on his son

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Son, there's something crucial I want you to grasp," Harold emphasized, his gaze fixed on his son. "Life demands us to move forward, never backward, for the outcomes of our actions remain uncertain if we choose to stand still." A sense of curiosity lingered in Harold's eyes as he sensed Carlton concealing something, yet he refrained from pressuring him. Above all, Harold yearned for his son to confide in him, to trust him implicitly with whatever was transpiring in his life.

"Understood, I'll address the matter promptly!" Carlton replied, only to be caught off guard by a faint chuckle escaping his father's lips.

"Carlton, the guidance I just shared with you extends beyond the company's current situation. It holds significance for your personal life as well," Harold uttered, gently setting his coffee mug on the table. Carlton's eyes widened with sudden understanding, his lips curling into an uneasy smile.

"Personal life?" He muttered in confusion. Harold smiled and slightly nodded.

"You know, son, I've been noticing something lately," Harold spoke with a gentle yet probing gaze fixed upon his son. "It seems like you've been keeping your personal life under lock and key, not really letting me in." A small chuckle escaped Carlton's lips as he casually ran his fingers through his hair, trying to ease the tension in the room.

Carlton stared into his father's unwavering gaze, feeling a mix of confusion and frustration. "Father, I...I'm not entirely sure what you're expecting me to reveal. You see, my days are mostly consumed by work, and on the rare occasions when I'm not working, I simply spend time with my friends."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I caught on the news! You were gallivanting around Bali with a group of ladies!" Harold muttered, his eyebrows raised. Carlton nervously chuckled, attempting to decipher his father's true intentions.

"Father, does this come as a surprise to you?" Carlton asked, his fingers firmly grasping the left shoulder of the chair. Harold chuckled, a smile playing on his lips in response to his son's question.

"Absolutely not. It's quite the contrary, I already know your ways, but isn't it about time you found someone to settle down with?" Harold asked, his keen eyes capturing his son's immediate response. Carlton's chest tightened, as he never anticipated hearing such a question from his father.

"I had the opportunity to speak with your mother, who expressed her concern about your frequent appearances in the newspaper alongside different girls every day. It seems that she isn't particularly pleased with this situation."

"I must concur with her sentiments! After all, you've reached the age of 29, Carlton, and there are countless possibilities awaiting you in life, such as the joy of finding a loving partner and starting a family," Harold voiced, his words resonating with unexpected timing. Carlton found himself taken aback by the sudden concern his parents expressed regarding his lack of a romantic relationship.

"Father, I must confess, I'm genuinely taken aback by all of this. I never anticipated that you would have such expectations for me to find a life partner. I always assumed it would be Mom who held those hopes, but you?" Carlton expressed, his usual composed demeanor visibly rattled. Harold grinned, attempting to decipher the true meaning behind his son's words.

As Harold sat upright, his undivided attention fixed on his son, he began recounting the conversation he had with his wife. The topic had initially revolved around their respective family businesses, delving into the depths of their shared history. But it was during this exchange that Carlton's mother, in her wisdom, sparked a brilliant idea within him. It reminded him of a time long ago when his own father had taken bold steps to uplift their family name and bolster their income.

"My grandfather orchestrated the union between you and my mother with the intention of bolstering the prosperity of our family enterprises." Carlton mumbled as he realized what his father really wanted to say. Harold smirked as he listened to his son.

"Indeed. I took your mother's hand in marriage, and it turned out to be an extraordinary triumph as our union bestowed upon us countless remarkable rewards and opportunities, even though we've had many roadblocks along the way!"

"I can't help but wonder if there's someone out there who could truly boost our economy, ensuring a stable and prosperous future," Harold pondered aloud. Carlton, struggling to grasp the magnitude of the conversation unfolding between him and his father, scoffed in disbelief.

"Is boosting our economy all you care about? What about my happiness?" Carlton grumbled, his disappointment evident. Harold was taken aback by this outburst and quickly shook his head in denial.

"Absolutely not! I genuinely care about your happiness as well! However, let's approach this with a rational mindset. Choosing the perfect life partner would not only benefit you immensely but also have a positive impact on our entire family!"

"Is that not your priority? Don't you desire the well-being of your beloved family?" Harold inquired, his tone laced with a hint of astonishment. Carlton's eyes grew wider as he absorbed the words.

"Of course, the well-being of our family concerns me deeply! Every action I take is driven by the desire for our collective prosperity and unity. My family holds the utmost importance in my life!" Carlton exclaimed, his voice brimming with newfound awareness. Harold's smile broadened, beaming with pride as he witnessed the genuine sincerity in his son's words.

As Harold's eyes rested upon his son, he couldn't help but overflow with pride. "The man you have become fills my heart with immense joy! Throughout all these years, you have wholeheartedly dedicated yourself to uplifting our family's legacy," he expressed, his voice brimming with admiration.

"You don't have to share anything with me if you're not comfortable revealing it yet! Nevertheless, choosing to marry the right woman in due time would undoubtedly bring immense pride to your parents!" With those words, he bid his farewells and departed, leaving his son alone and adrift amidst a sea of contemplation. It has evolved beyond solely his emotions; now, it encompassed the desires his family holds for him.

Now it's not just about how he feels, it's about what his family wants him to feel. 🤔🫢

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