Chapter Eight

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John and his wife took me out to eat later like we always did. It was a tradition I enjoyed especially since we hadn't seen each other in a while. We chose a fancier restaurant, which I may have been a bit underdressed for. Thankfully, the atmosphere was quite friendly and no one seemed bothered by me.

"How've you been, Alexa? The move must be stressful," Juliana, John's wife asked.

I smiled, "It has been but I think it'll be a good change for us. The royal pack has way more space, resources, and support for us. More than I could've supplied them."

"That sounds wonderful, darling," She says, squeezing my hand.

It does sound wonderful, doesn't it? I just needed to get used to this change. I needed some reassurance that this was the right choice and that it was truly safe. Maybe that's what Zaine needed as well. After a few weeks, maybe he'll be used to me and we will be able to be in a room together without any tension between us. Sounds like a perfect fantasy. Only thing that sounds better would be us actually getting along and being together, though that may be too fantastical.

"I think so. The best part is you finally get the chance to go to therapy," John nodded to himself. "We all know you've needed it for a while. I'm glad you finally have the chance to go."

Ah, right. Therapy. I did say I was going to go and I truly meant it. I just was a little nervous about it. It was weird for me to be since my career was made from me being open about my past trauma – well, one of my careers was. There was just something nerve-wracking about officially going to therapy.

I stand by saying it's okay to ask for help. I will always believe that. But I guess actually thinking that for myself was a little harder. If only I could pretend I was a member of my pack needing advice from me. Sadly, roleplaying wasn't my thing.

I chuckle awkwardly, "I did say that. I just got to find one. Preferable on that takes werewolves because telling a human that I'm a werewolf probably wouldn't go over well."

"They'd probably think you were mad," Juliana laughed.

"Exactly," I replied before taking a sip of my drink.

My eyes wandered around the restaurant, taking in the beautiful expensive decor. They seemed rather busy for how late it was. Though I rarely get out for non-work reasons. I'm acting like an old lady before I'm even twenty-five. Damn.

"You know, I think Esmeralda Callahan is a therapist. Maybe you should ask her," John shrugged.

My mate's mother as my therapist. Now that would be interesting. It definitely wouldn't have gone wrong in any way. Goddess. Imagine me telling her about my issues with my mate and her figuring out who he was. That'd be so embarrassing. Aurora said her mother was a fan of mine too and if she found out, I'm sure her opinions of me would completely switch.

Before I could even think of a response, I was saved by the server coming to take our order. I was too distracted to actually think of what I wanted, so I just picked the first thing I saw on the menu. The server didn't need to deal with my slight indecisiveness tonight. I just hoped whatever I ordered was actually good.

For the rest of our time at the restaurant, we talked about random shit. Literally, anything we could think of, we talked about. It was clear we hadn't seen each other in a while, but after dinner, it didn't feel like it.

It was a good, needed break for me. I felt so happy to have finally gone out with some friends. It really made me realise what I was missing in life. I needed to have another night out soon with Emma, Rosa, and Adam. Maybe even James, Sophia, and Aurora would join us as well. Goddess, that would be so much fun. To just hang out and be normal for once. Not to have the pressure of protecting and taking care of so many people. As much as I loved my pack, being an alpha was a lot of work and I really wanted just a small break to relax for once in my life.

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