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Today I take my seat with Persephone and Festus after switching seats with Pup. When confronted by the dean about it, I argue that since Treech is allied with Coral and Mizzen, I should be able to sit with their mentors to discuss strategy. This puts me right in the front row, closest to the cameras, which I'm not sure how to feel about.

I tune out Hilarius's complaints about Wovey, who has yet to make an appearance, as I drink my cup of tea. Each of the remaining mentors does a quick interview with Lepidus.

"We haven't seen much of Treech since the Games have started. How does that make you feel?" asks Lepidus.

"I'm feeling pretty good right now. He's made enough appearances for me to know he's well, and I've been able to send him food and water. Not as much as I'd like to, but he'd make himself seen if he needed anything," I say. "He's got a strong alliance, they should keep him alive until the end."

"Sorry to cut this short, Venus," says Lepidus, "but it appears that something big is about to happen."

I take my seat in time to see Reaper approaching the bottom of Lamina's beam. The two begin to talk, and though the microphones can't pick up their voices, they seem to be negotiating something. Eventually, Reaper leaves, approaching the flag of Panem on the far side of the arena.

The tall boy pulls out his knife and slices a chunk of fabric off the flag. Gasps and objections to the action erupt in the lecture hall. I wonder what Reaper is doing with the fabric, surely he knows there will be some kind of punishment for his action against his country. I admire his courage.

Reaper goes back to Lamina. The two engage in more discussion before Reaper attempts to throw the fabric up to the girl. At the same time, she drops a roll of bread to him. The fabric is a few feet short, fluttering back to the ground. Reaper tries a few more times, and when he is finally successful, Lamina tosses a chunk of cheese for his efforts.

Lamina places the swath of fabric over her head to protect her from the sun as Reaper rests against one of the poles to eat. After a few minutes of silence, she gets his attention, pointing towards one of the tunnel entrances. Reaper leaves in the opposite direction, hiding behind the barricade.

I smile as Treech's pack emerges. They climb into the stands and sit. The four teenagers make eating motions, signifying they need sustenance. I hurry to send Treech some food. The beeping next to and behind me shows that Festus, Persephone, and Domitia are doing the same. I notice that Festus takes a little longer than the girls to enter the information. Maybe he's still mad at Coral for what she did the other night. A few moments later, the quartet shares their gifts, eating and chatting surprisingly happily.

Their meal is interrupted when of Lucy Gray, of all people, appears in the middle of the arena. To be honest, I'm not sure what she's doing there. I would have thought she would hide for as long as she could.

Mizzen pokes his district partner in the side, pointing at the girl below, who must be waiting for food. The conversations become hushed as Coral gives the boys a plan. The four split up as they make their way down the stairs, surrounding Lucy Gray from all sides.

"Oh no," whispers Coriolanus from behind me.

"Lucy Gray," taunts Tanner. Finally, the microphones are actually picking up some audio.

Lucy Gray turns in a circle, looking for a direction to run. She attempts to move past Treech, but he cuts her off, pointing his axe at her.

"Stay right there," he says.

Coriolanus goes for his comunicuff, the beeping in the background makes my head spin. What is he doing?

Tanner makes the first move, lunging at Lucy Gray with his sword. She jumps away from him, tumbling to the ground after tripping on a rock. As the pack closes in on her, she picks up a chunk of rubble, throwing it harmlessly at Treech's feet. He stares at her, incredulous.

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